Countdown to the Election

what happens when we run out of our finite resources.


we're fucked; I cant do anything about and neither can anybody, if our resources and finite then one day they'll run out, its inevitable, its really not a political issue as you cant change whats going to happen; you cant get more non-renewable resources. Why dont you suggest something?
Dän;6215295 said:
edit - the brakes are being put on, hence rising interest rates to slow the economy down to ensure sustainable growth; that is precisly the liberal governments aim; not to have a volitile boom and bust economy but one that rises with the overall long term growth regression line of the business cycle, and thats what they have a achieved thus far and thats the exact reason why ill vote for the this election, and its something i think labor is unable to achieve


tell me how, siting labor policies, this will be achieved to a higher standard than the liberals, if you dont I have no reason to vote for Labor, simple.
Dän;6215339 said:
we're fucked; I cant do anything about and neither can anybody, if our resources and finite then one day they'll run out, its inevitable, its really not a political issue as you cant change whats going to happen; you cant get more non-renewable resources. Why dont you suggest something?

I thought that your supreme economic masters would have had an answer to that.

They will run out.

So if we vote Howard, we are running full tilt against a wall. Thanks for admitting that.

"Conservatives" tend to be in favour of "dig it up and sell it", "cut it down and sell it", and don't recycle, as market forces will fix the world.

It's not up to me to suggest an answer, as you are trying to convince me to vote Howard.

And I've already done that a few times too many.
I'm not ranting.

given that nearly all of these people are lawyers (liars...both sides), and are very careful in their use of words, I was surprised when Costello didn't use zero debt, rather than nett debt.

nett debt implies that there is debt, but it's offset by something. Maybe it's assets (like a share in the Snowy scheme, roads, dams etc.), or maybe it's savings (although it's silly to have cash in one hand, and be paying interest on the other).

His use of words lead me to believe that he wasn't saying that the country had zero debt, but that the country had the capacity to pay their debt off by selling shit.

A lot of zeros go into $50billion.


(wrt $50B Government debt)
Putting on my Greenhouse hat. (we just learned about the Greenhouse effect in the last week...Yay Johny, who never sways to public opinion, and you can Google that)

I'd like to produce biodiesel.

It's a nice, free market way for me to get from home to work, Lithgow to Canberra to see my family. Requires me to roll my sleeves up, and get stuck into helping myself.

Why did Howard make me have to register with the ATO, and undergo audit and make me pay $0.43c per litre in excises ?
Why did Howard create a standard that essentially made me buy virgin canola oil to produce biodiesel, instead of leting me take the oil off the local fish and chip shop to produce fuel ?
Why did Howard decree that I have to have my fuel tested by a NATA laboratory twice per year, at a cost of nearly $500 pertest ?

Why did Howard have his meetings with Manildra, then deny them, then acknowledge them, and claim the the meetings had nothing to do with ethanol in fuel ?

He's a corrupt prick, that's why !!

edit...why did the Australian standard all but describe virgin canola oil, while the U.S all but described soy ?
:lol: HAHA!

Oh man, I respect what that guy does and how he stands by his beliefs and all of that, but that thread must have been the single most mind-numbingly stupid thread in the history of teh interwebs! HAHA! I'm laughing about it now but at the time, it was just painful to read! :erk: HAHA!

That was one of the many reasons why we decided to not continue working with him , any management that has time to post a rant such as the many he did clearly dont have time to adequately do their job properly.
Dän;6215341 said:

tell me how, citing labor policies, this will be achieved to a higher standard than the liberals, if you dont I have no reason to vote for Labor, simple.

Answer my question you bitches
That was one of the many reasons why we decided to not continue working with him , any management that has time to post a rant such as the many he did clearly dont have time to adequately do their job properly.

Without taking this thread too off-topic (and this'll be the last I mention this stuff), I kind of disagree with that.

I think Steve did an AWESOME job when he was on the ball. If he had nothing else distracting him, he would get the job done. It would be convoluted, unorthodox, sometimes absolutely infuriating as to how he went about things, but somehow in some bizarre way, he'd pull off exactly what he said he would do. I still to this day don't know how he does a lot of the stuff he does, it's just insane!

But having said that, the moment Steve had anything else going on that he wanted to shift his priorities to, or if what he was doing for us didn't fit entirely into his agenda, then getting the job done would take 10 times as long and be even more frustrating than normal. This is one of the reasons we parted ways with him and Metal Warriors - he was very much focussed on his film and everything else became less of a priority, even if he didn't intend it to be.

It did irk us that he had such a strong opinion and public profile because that makes our job harder when the behind-the-scenes-guy is making enemies for his views when he should be just the shadowy figure doing the deals, and we did argue a hell of a lot about that, but he got the job done at the end of the day, so it worked out well for us in the end.

I have a lot of respect for Steve. I absolutely didn't and still don't see eye-to-eye with him at all and would never having him manage us ever again knowing what I know now, but I can't really say a bad word against his determination at all. If he wants something (either for himself or someone else) he'll get it, no matter what it takes.

But anyway, this hasn't got a lot to do with the topic so I'll shut the fuck up now! HAHA!

Anyone seen any basketball sized tittie'd girls riding pumas lately? ;)
Dan, you're doing really well backing up your beliefs here. It's not going to change my mind about them, but your arguments are good. You should think about what you post all the time, instead of the off-handed foolishness you're sometimes capable of. When is your band coming to Sydney so we can have a beer?

Oh yeah, "Fourth World" refers to notably marginalized or oppressed groups(ie. indigenous peoples) living in Third World or First World countries. This would apply to Aborigines, and therefore to Australia.
Dän;6215493 said:
nett debt = 0 as you said :lol: fuck :lol:

you were stating ZERO before, as in "don't owe anybody anything", like I said, weasel words to cover that they DO have debt, and have to pay interest on it.
BTW, the "Fourth World" refers to a marginalised minority population living within a First or Third World country, ie Aboriginals. And if you don't believe there are Australians who aren't Aboriginal living in poverty, you have obviously never been to Macquarie Fields or Blackett.
Dan, you're doing really well backing up your beliefs here. It's not going to change my mind about them, but your arguments are good.


I'm not being a serious as I possibly could be in a few posts in this thread, but it's interesting hearing the other side of the story from a non-politician and non-news source. Thanks Dan.