

New Metal Member
Mar 21, 2007
Sandusky, OH
OK, I know some people on here must have this game, EVERYONE enjoys shooting people in the head =] so I guess I'll advertise for my CS:S Clan... We're called The Virtually Sadistic and we've been together for about 5 months now, with about 15-16 active members. If anyone wants info on us or just wants to hangout in our Ventrilo or Teamspeak servers, hit me up and I'll give you our info..
i use to play CCS a lot, i actually owned a server and ran a clan.

.:}{{:. - Hacking Chickens

not a hacker clan either, our server was strict when it comes to hacking.

But I don't play it anymore, fun game though.
GOGOGO! Fire in the hooooole :p

i started to play not so long ago, and i got a clan because my bf was in (ok actually the clan has been inactive for ever... only 2 people + me still play).
Started playing again since today :)

still getting used to it again, used to pwn big time but all that Enemy Territory fucked up my CS skills

which servers does everyone play on these days?