Countryman 85 dead after a month


Nov 5, 2009
EDIT: Sorry I'm a massive idiot, I didn't realise DI boxes needed phantom power. No idea how it turned itself off though, I've been away for the weekend and my room was locked... How do I delete this thread?

I've had my Countryman 85 for a month. Last time I used it it was working perfectly. This time when I go to use it it sounds ridiculously awful beyond belief.
I play 4 powerchords for each situation, lasting 16 seconds in each case.
The first 16 seconds was when it was working, with the line input gain on zero.
The second 16 seconds are now, with the line input gain on zero. It's barely audible.
The third 16 seconds are now, with the gain on max.
The fourth, fifth and sixth are the same DIs as the first, second and third respectively, but are the plain DIs rather than going through ampsims. You can hear just how terrible the DIs are in comparison, it's unbelievable. The fifth is completely inaudible, and the sixth is the worst DI I have ever heard in my life.

What's going on? Am I using it wrong somehow? What should I do now? I thought these were sturdy units, I'm amazed this has happened. These kind of things always seem to happen to me despite taking really good care of my gear. :yell: