crabfan said:
How about starting with something like" Nothing but a Good Time" by Poison and just when the audience has a total look of shock on all their faces switch into some cool instrumental jam for about 10 minutes and then end with the Poison chorus. That would be a crack up (only if you guys can handle CC's technical guitar parts of course!)
----lol-----that's absolutely hilarious!!!

now those guys from poisen are actually very underrated musicians.....seriously...

.............but how 'bout that songwriting....................yaa rite!
something out of genre would be very interesting to see. Maybe have an old Beatles song 'enchantized' (a very
coverable band),or the "Beach Boys" even, or something out of the 80's.
I remember Ted starting in to some Metallica....that'd be........koooool
Maybe something you'd see on the
"Singers and Songwriters CD collection"...........a little James Taylor??........... "Incense and Peppermints"...llol
"Hungry like a Wolf" ?????
maybe on a serious note, "Locomotive Breath"............
'Lemur Voice'- "Intuition"
'Ice Age'
of course some 'Yes' could work......i'm reminded of the version of the otherwise bland, "America", by Simon&garunkel, that Yes did.
maybe a "plugged in" version of "You and I"
Or maybe a cover from a band called "Xen"