Covers on live cd????

These covers do not need to be there. There are so many better original songs in there catalog. Re do some classic anthrax not a classic song made famous by anthrax that someone else wrote. I could see doing doing it if the guys wrote em but they didnt.
it isn't like I dislike those songs, I just think anthrax has too many killer originals to have those two songs included on this once in a lifetime style cd.

we shouldn't talk about it. we should be emailing scott and charlie about the 2 cd idea. :hotjump:
I agree. Antisocial and Got The Time should not be re-done. They both hold up just fine........they have been covered all ready.

Why didn't they include all the songs from Killer B's here? If they have these covers I wonder why they aren't including everything they've done. They also haven't even put "I'm The Man" up anywhere.
~But that makes a good point. Antisocial? Why not redo I'm the Man 91'? Geez. GtT and Anti are well done songs in the Anthrax style, but they are not Anthrax songs anymore than I'm Eighteen is. For that matter, why is 13 even on the list? I also vote for the double disc, now Scott or Charlie or both will be complaining that what they're offering we don't see as good enough. But c'mon fellas, you can do better than 12 songs! It's not like you're doing a St. Anger DVD out of the blue, these are songs you know! Classics. I think that most people would be happier with a full on Live album than this. Too many great songs are being left out if only twelve are making the cut.
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~But that makes a good point. Antisocial? Why not redo I'm the Man 91'? Geez. GtT and Anti are well done songs in the Anthrax style, but they are not Anthrax songs anymore than I'm Eighteen is. For that matter, why is 13 even on the list? I also vote for the double disc, now Scott or Charlie or both will be complaining that what they're offering we don't see as good enough. But c'mon fellas, you can do better than 12 songs! It's not like you're doing a St. Anger DVD out of the blue, these are songs you know! Classics. I think that most people would be happier with a full on Live album than this. Too many great songs are being left out if only twelve are making the cut.
I hate to say it but "Got the Time" and "Antisocial" are crowd pleasers. They get very good reactions live, and that's why they play them. I'm tired of seeing them but oh well.