Crack Stain


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
What kind of person leaves a crack stain, but more importantly, doesn't have the character to clean up their mess if/when they do?

Averaging say, 2 to 3 per day, I've taken probably 25,000 dumps in my life. Many of those have been in a public situation, including quite the unsavory bar or three. But even hungover/drunk/dying/puking/ripshitting/crying I don't think I've ever sat on the pot in such a position that my upper part of my ass cheeks has left the telling mark of Crack Stain.

If I had in fact left said blemish upon the porcelain god, with one turn to get the last bit of pissing before the final drop lands in my pants, at which time I flush the pooing away, I would've exclaimed "JAYSUS CHRIST!" and henceforth cleaned up the stripe at the back rather than leaving it for the next dude to discover. There are principalities involved!

I used to clean the baffrooms at K-mart and I know that women are in fact much worse than men, leaving Floor Mystery as opposed to Crack Stain, but that was nearly a decade ago and only a few select times have I ventured into a woman's bathroom since. So my gripe resides with my fellow knuckle-scraping mouth-breathers.
apparently this happens where i work. i've never actually seen these fecal messes that i hear of, but apparently there's frequently "crack stains" as well as blood stains and even turds on the floor, smeared. i understand our jobs are stressful but jeez!

when derick and i worked at toys r us someone pooped in the urinal, and on the floor. but i guess that's easy for a kid. haha one time when i was cashiering there was a family checking out at my reigister, and all of a sudden one of the kids slips in something on the floor. IT WAS POOP! but where did it come from? :lol:

..i didn't do it
I usually only poop once a day, but my friend says he goes about 5 or more times everyday. He drinks a lot of protein shakes though, so maybe that's it. The only time I've found poop that wasn't where it should have been was back in elementary school. Shit in the sink, shit in the urinal, shit on the floor, shit on the walls. It was crazy. Another guy I used to know worked at Kroger and said he came out of the stall to find a Mexican pissing in the sink, and he had to clean it up later. :lol:
i'd pee in the sink if i could. no harm done if you just turn the faucet on for a moment when done!

peeing in the shower :kickass:
I had to pick up shit off the ground at a bathroom of a place I worked once. My supervisor secretly gave me 5 dollars from the register for it though.
when I worked for Albertson's, the women's bathroom was always a fucking disaster compared to the men's. Most of the time we didn't bother cleaning the men's too much because they never complained if it was dirty (just make sure there's toiler paper and seat protectors). One chick had a massive menstrual explosion in the women's restroom and there was just blood all over the place.
There are no surprises left in public bathroom use, no taboo of disgustingness that people will not strive for. I was custodian in one of the co-ed dorms at my university when I was getting my undergrad. On hot nights I still wake up, all sweaty, visions of the most unspeakable hells I've witnessed in stalls come back to haunt me, a Marlon Brando-esque "The Horror, the horror.." on my lips.
even me and Ali had the please of seeing the aftermath of a NAD dump ...
the man shits often

lol @ Floor Mystery
There are no surprises left in public bathroom use, no taboo of disgustingness that people will not strive for. I was custodian in one of the co-ed dorms at my university when I was getting my undergrad. On hot nights I still wake up, all sweaty, visions of the most unspeakable hells I've witnessed in stalls come back to haunt me, a Marlon Brando-esque "The Horror, the horror.." on my lips.

All-time favorite post right here :rock: :lol: x billion
Last night at work some negar defecated on the northern edge of the bowl in our department's nearest bathroom. This wasn't crack stain, this was crack strain. In all honesty, what this man accomplished would have Ripley turn and do a double take. The position of this watery brown mess lay at a position that the negar had to have been standing on the toilet seat to execute such a smear. African baby batter dripped from the edge of the porcelain confines, as we examined the specimen to see if what we were witnessing was indeed a drive by bowel movement, and not a Sheniqua still birth. Who the fuck does this?