CRADLE OF FILTH Singer Throws Tantrum At U.K. Awards Show


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Oct 29, 2002
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The following report was posted at the web site of the U.K.-based metal magazine Metal Hammer:

"In a bizarre show of tantrum-throwing even by his own standards, CRADLE OF FILTH frontman Dani Filth was quite literally manhandled out of the Metal Hammer Awards after-show party after fisticuffs with a member of THE MURDERDOLLS.

"Conflict brewed at the Hammer aftershow when a clearly hyper Filth invited himself into THE MURDERDOLLS' VIP area. After a series of tense exchanges between Dani and several different members of THE MURDERDOLLS camp angry scenes peaked with the DOLLS' towering drummer Ben 'Ghoul' Graves getting medieval on the diminutive singer's ass.

"The [CRADLE OF FILTH] frontman was finally ejected from the swanky Sahara Nights venue in London's Kings Cross by security in the early hours of June 4th. After much struggling, Filth was seen shouting yet more obscenities at club staff outside the venue before wandering off into the night.

"An eyewitness said: 'We were just stood outside getting some air when this guy was thrown out onto the streets screaming, 'Fuck you!' and swearing over and over again at the security. It looked as if someone had hit him full blown in the chest and then he finally gave up. When the guy turned around I couldn't believe it was Dani Filth! I'd never seen him that upset and I thought I'd seen him as upset as it was possible to be!'

"Earlier in the evening the moody [CRADLE OF FILTH] frontman had initially refused to collect his fan-voted award for Best Video for 'Babalon AD' citing his offence at not being given exceptional VIP treatment and later telling the crowd when the award was re-presented, 'I was getting ready to have a shit" and "can we change our award for some free drinks?'

"But the rest of the FILTH camp behaved themselves impeccably throughout the evening."


what a bloody wanker
Cradle of Filth rocks!!!!!
He's lucky someone wanted to give his stupid ass an award in the first place....I trully do not like Cradle of Filth.
Dani Filth is a fuckin short, crzy bastard but out of every Black Metal vocalist out there, he is the best. COF is the fuckin best when it comes to Black Metal. And according to my very good friend Lizz* "He's hot!" Filth forever!
Dani isn't a BM vocalist junkster....but with a few pens jabbed into his throat....he might be able to reach poseur status

And ihsahn (sp?) is probably the best...him or quorthon

those shrieks sound like the person is dying....TRUE F*N BLACK METAL