Cradle of Filth

id liek to see anyone in that band play a malevolent creation or cryptopsy song without their arm falling off
please go ahead and tell me their drummer crushes flo, you naive bastard
and yes so you know i could easily play a cradle set all the way through seeing they don't even speed pick that much and they have tons of breaks in their songs for the atmospheric parts
you ignorant douche bag
You guys need to relax and stop taking this whole Cradle thing too personally.

So what? so he thinks CoF are extreme... who cares?! Cradle never claimed to be a metal band, never wanted to be a metal band, and the only people who call them "fame metal" are sensitive metalheads.

this guy obviously doesnt know shit about extreme metal and about "real" metal bands, but maybe he won't even like it.

my main point is: let him be. I don't know how old he is but my guess is not over 16,
maybe in time he will develope his ears to listen to more brutal things, in the mean time...... who cares? not me.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Disregarding the tired and over-used Black Metal argument, COF are very bland and boring to tears often.

As most tr00 BM bands... ( my opinion, you can like tr00 BM if you want, I won't explain why I don't like it ). CoF is pretty ok to me.
satanicnugz said:
Yeah, anyone who says CoF are terrible musicians has no idea what it takes to play music like that. It take hours and hours and hours to master what they play. I'd like to see you tremel pick a whole song like they do.

yeah... the riffings are good, but their solos, like in Amor E Morte, suck.
IOfTheStorm said:
worst band ever

ok, next time we get into a discussion about music I'll remember that you don't think that Creed, Nirvana, or even The Cranberries are the worst band ever.

What about 10,000 maniacs?

seriously... what are you smoking??
A band that influenced a whole musical genre, cant be considered the worst band ever (Nirvana), and The Cranberries AT LEAST play MUSIC (which i dont like, but remains music), Cof dont play music. I totally dislike both of them (Nirvana and The Cranberries), but they are not the worst bands ever. Everything in COF is the worst of its kind.. thats a rarity.
James, you need to learn how to accept the fact that people like other bands than you do. I'm tired of seeing you say almost every band someone mentions sucks. It's getting annoying.

Why don't YOU shut the fuck up? :lol:
Crying_Acid said:
For being an Ultimate Matal site there aren't very many good metal fans. I'm sure a lot of you hate me now but CoF is a badd ass band! If movies like Cradle of Fear, and lots of blood, and kick ass constumes isn't Extreme Metal I don't know what is. How about Dimmu Borgir, they are an extreme right up there with CoF.

Cute... does the booger man still scare you? Man, Cradle Of Filth is not extreme... Sadus and Dismember are... Hell, listen to Severe Torture and be schooled...
ok got few things to say about cof...and cryptopsy

the reason i say cof sux because i get a headage from their vocals
im not saying the guitar work is bad....but it isnt that great either..
drumming...almost every metalband has a drummer that has the same skills.. my opinion cof sux

then metalskater17 cryptopsy isnt that hard the only thing you have to master is the speed...i can reach that speed with guitarplaying now and further the songs are pretty simple then

still i think cryptopsy is pretty good...only they should have a better recording quality
Jeff-Loomis-fan said:
ok got few things to say about cof...and cryptopsy

the reason i say cof sux because i get a headage from their vocals
im not saying the guitar work is bad....but it isnt that great either..
drumming...almost every metalband has a drummer that has the same skills.. my opinion cof sux

then metalskater17 cryptopsy isnt that hard the only thing you have to master is the speed...i can reach that speed with guitarplaying now and further the songs are pretty simple then

still i think cryptopsy is pretty good...only they should have a better recording quality
first of all is 7 douche...
second of all they don't hit single note is power chords all up the neck faster then anyother band plays single notes.....they riffs aren't all jsut endurance your thinking malevolent creation
cryptopsy fucking invents their own fucking techniques
how bout this you learn one song off Whipser Supremacy all the way through and play it for me without messing up and i will admit your right
till then cryptopsy is the most technical band in metal.....endurance wise and technically

and come one bill i don't say every band sucks i just said sonata arctica was good in that other post :grin:
i jsut say thebad ones suck like CoF