Cradle of Filth

I guess it depends on your definition of extreme. People see things different ways...

Face it, you're wrong. Even if extreme was defined by gimmickry like movies and blood and shit, there would be much more extreme bands such as Mayhem (decapitating animals onstage), W.A.S.P. (throwing raw meat and intestines into the audience), Exodus (organizing the crowd into two "armies" and making them charge at each other, and selecting audience members who look like poseurs to get beaten up), and so on.
You have to show extreme to be seen as extreme, their music is extreme in a symphonic, messed up kinda way. It creates this eeire feeling and Dani's badd ass scream just makes it all the sweeter. Judgment lies in the eye of the beholder, it's all personal oppinion.
Crying_Acid said:
You have to show extreme to be seen as extreme, their music is extreme in a symphonic, messed up kinda way. It creates this eeire feeling and Dani's badd ass scream just makes it all the sweeter. Judgment lies in the eye of the beholder, it's all personal oppinion.
just to touch on a point that Pyrus made, even if someone agrees with your definition of extreme... is going on stage in all leather and makeup more extreme then Mayhem's disembowled and decapitated animals... with REAL blood?!
Well actually you can place both wearing the contume and killing animals under one thing, acting. Yes slaying an animal is a hell of a lot more extreme but it's still an act! So I would have to say you guys got me with the costume thing but still... Thier music is my kinda extreme and some other band holds your fancey.
Wolftribe said:
methinks if you think CoF and Dimmu are extreme, you need to hear more underground metal...
wow finnaly a fucking sensible answer from one of you guys in this thread. he might be naive to underground metal, but thats his excuse for his retarded comments. the rest of you dont have that excuse. this thread is fuckin lame.
neal said:
wow finnaly a fucking sensible answer from one of you guys in this thread. he might be naive to underground metal, but thats his excuse for his retarded comments. the rest of you dont have that excuse. this thread is fuckin lame.
no, YOU'RE fuckin lame


I'm bored.
metalskater7 said:
yeah go pick up a cryptopsy cd so you can have a heartattack m-o-r-o-n
and get the fuck off our board!!!!

I find this person most amusing. And you can't tell anyone what to do, or where to go. Cryptopsy sucks, and I'll never forget or forgive the fact that you got a pen from theendrecords. You bastard.
Crying_Acid said:
Well actually you can place both wearing the contume and killing animals under one thing, acting. Yes slaying an animal is a hell of a lot more extreme but it's still an act! So I would have to say you guys got me with the costume thing but still... Thier music is my kinda extreme and some other band holds your fancey.

Major props for sticking to what you like. You seem to like the symphonic black metal, and there's others out there that you might like. Search for just the right Emperor album...perhaps some Old Mans Child, some Satyricon.