Cradle of Filth

Pyrus said:
Hey, I never said he couldn't like it. Just that calling it XTREEM was the height of foolery.


No. You win. :(

To him it's extreme, right now. That's all. Taste constantly changes as you hear more and more.

You couldn't do "cause I got high" by Afro Man, Pyrus? I think you could, and it would be hilarious.
neal said:
quite possible. i have a lot of those heh.

Yeah, it's not particularly surprising.

Satans Mom said:
You couldn't do "cause I got high" by Afro Man, Pyrus? I think you could, and it would be hilarious.

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucking hate that song. Not just cause it sucks, but because every asshole at my old high school sang it when it came out, and I wanted to disembowel them all.

So no.
Cradle of Filth kicks ass. Their drummer is quick and dead on. The guitar work is very good. They use alot of 2 guitar melodys and they know how to work it. They also use dynamics, something many metal bands have never heard of. I like all metal.

What I want to know is, from you people who say "mannn, cradle of filth fucking suck," why do they suck? Kuz they dress like pansees? What metal band doesn't? Half of you fucks out there who say they fucking suck have no backing to your comment. Maybe you think they suck kuz they are better than you shitty copycat metal band, or shitty wannabe guitar playing. They are one of the better bands out there, and if they weren't why are they still pumping out albums after all these years and several musician switches?
Stealer of Dreams said:
First of all, they suck because they are terrible musicians.
you can say you dont like them , but you cant say they're terrible musicians. that just shows you dont know what you're talking about...either way, this thread should just fuckin stop. some people like CoF and some people dont. those that dont will never understand the apeal, and those that do will always laugh at the ignorant reasoning of those who slag them off. its stupid to argue over them, and it happens all too often on metal boards. just stop. listen if you like em, ignore them if you dont. its not that hard.
satanicnugz said:
Cradle of Filth kicks ass. Their drummer is quick and dead on. The guitar work is very good. They use alot of 2 guitar melodys and they know how to work it. They also use dynamics, something many metal bands have never heard of.

Finally I'm not the only Cradle of Filth fan on this damn thing!

yeah they aren't too bad I like the song "Devil's Child". Diabolical is a cool album, Vittra is an In Flames ripoff.. and Sheol is just "meh, its not too bad"
Yeah, anyone who says CoF are terrible musicians has no idea what it takes to play music like that. It take hours and hours and hours to master what they play. I'd like to see you tremel pick a whole song like they do.