crappiest power metal band?

havent heard much of them

rhapsody seems a little OVER done, but I haven't listened to enough to make a valid opinion
Manowar's okay if you don't take them seriously and if they don't take themselves seriously...sorta like KISS, except with uglier chicks in the audience.

All I have from Hammerfall is Legacy of Kings, which is an awesome CD when you want to turn off your brain and rock out. I can see how four albums of that might get tiresome, however.

Blind Guardian kicks ass, but I forsee a dark fate if they don't turn up the guitars, stop 80-tracking the vocals, and leave the fucking orchestral effects alone.
Manowar are not power metal.
Manowar never were power metal.
Manowar =traditional epic heavy metal. just that
and ok i see cradle of filth fans say that Manowar is crap..that makes sense ...
so crap for u is superbe epic melodies, vocals that probably rip the sky , and magical atmosphere, cause that was Manowar.
so many fav bands of urs were probably like "oh Manowar , i want to be like them " some time in their past .....
no respect for the band that wrote the best epic metal songs ever .....quorthon did well in borrowing some of their riffs.
as for the topic :
there are many bands that people calls them power metal , and they have no power like edguy (edgay), hammmerfall, rhapsody, heavenly, and other flowerish bands who copy helloween .
the real power metal that comes from the u.s.a. is not crappy , and the best power metal bands are/were from the u.s.a.
Manowar are fun live. And really fucking loud.

The crappiest power metal band of all time is Sacred Steel. I've heard cats fuck with more harmony and cattle die with more pleasant melody.
Traditionial epic heavy metal is one of those goofy genres that the guys at (as opposed to the awesome are always making up. I know genre classifications are pretty pointless, but if you compare them with other power metal bands, Manowar are pretty much power.

Best epic metal songs you mean lengthwise? Cause if you're talking good long songs, I can think of several that shit on anything Manowar's ever done. Dante's Inferno, the Learning, Halloween, Rime Of the Ancient Mariner, And Then There Was Silence, etc. If you mean in terms of sound, meet Blind Guardian and Iced Earth, who combine big, epic sounds with much more musicality than Manowar.

Manowar's not really a bad band, but they're not particularly innovative or supremely talented, nor are they worthy of the "Kings of Metal" crown they've bestowed upon themselves. As I said, as long as it's not taken seriously, it's all good. But when they start to believe their own propaganda, then things begin sucking and don't stop for a while.
Traditionial epic heavy metal is one of those goofy genres that the guys at (as opposed to the awesome are always making up. I know genre classifications are pretty pointless, but if you compare them with other power metal bands, Manowar are pretty much power.
i didnt say that this thing is a gengre , i said that this describes Manowar .
if u want to put them in a gengre they are simply heavy metal.

Best epic metal songs you mean lengthwise? Cause if you're talking good long songs, I can think of several that shit on anything Manowar's ever done. Dante's Inferno, the Learning, Halloween, Rime Of the Ancient Mariner, And Then There Was Silence, etc. If you mean in terms of sound, meet Blind Guardian and Iced Earth, who combine big, epic sounds with much more musicality than Manowar.
I suppose u never heard some real epic metal music
of course i mean in terms of sound
blind guardian epic ? with orchestra arrangments and stuff ?
iced earth epic ? haha were, dante's inferno is a little bit , a question of heaven sounds a little bit epic too ...but it is just that.
suppose u never heard some real epic metal music
like Bathory for example in "Hammerheart"
and u never heard any old Manowar stuff like "Into Glory Ride" "Hail To England" ...etc .... thats real EPIC music that doesnt need orchestra or keys to have a real epic atmosphere