Crazy Tacting Heavyness. Heavyest Mix, I have ever done! (CHECK IT OUT)

I must hear this mix with a little less bass and some saturated vocals!

Yeah i told my brother there was to much bass, but he just doesn't want to hear that haha, I may drop it like 1.0 db in the 80hz-150 area, Maybe i'll get my friend to do some vocals on it, His vocals are mean and powerful as hell!

Thanks you
The best advice I can give is to stop using 'tacting' as a verb, or better yet, altogether.

Otherwise you want some more high-end, and less cloudiness on the guitars, and more unique sample blending on the drums.
i think it sound good, guitars are cluody as mentioned, need more bite.
might share your drum setup!?

hows was the guitar chain? did you reamped or using plugins?! guitars could be a little little brighter. i would turn the whole bass down about 2db. ist sounds to good to just cut some frequenzies...

The best advice I can give is to stop using 'tacting' as a verb, or better yet, altogether.


Seriously, it is rare when I want to shoot someone in the face, but everytime I read "tacting", I could go postal. At the very least, the AE world would be better off if those practicing the craft didn't dumb it down with moronic terms like this.

Seriously, it is rare when I want to shoot someone in the face, but everytime I read "tacting", I could go postal. At the very least, the AE world would be better off if those practicing the craft didn't dumb it down with moronic terms like this.

+100 I immediately thought of your thread about this when I saw this thread title. There wasn't a facepalm picture big enough to express my feelings.
The best advice I can give is to stop using 'tacting' as a verb, or better yet, altogether.

Otherwise you want some more high-end, and less cloudiness on the guitars, and more unique sample blending on the drums.

Your first comment was pointless, off topic, and rude.

But i do appreciate your advice on the mix