Don Corleone
as for music, my habits tend to be the same.
but for lyrics, i keep a little notebook in my back pocket everywhere i go. sometimes you see a sign somewhere that invokes some emotion in you that result in a few lines...or what someone said to you that day.
i have filled two A4 notebooks so far with this stuff. when i sit down to write lyrics for a song my bandmate or i composed, those bits and pieces of belle lettres come in very handy =)
but for lyrics, i keep a little notebook in my back pocket everywhere i go. sometimes you see a sign somewhere that invokes some emotion in you that result in a few lines...or what someone said to you that day.
i have filled two A4 notebooks so far with this stuff. when i sit down to write lyrics for a song my bandmate or i composed, those bits and pieces of belle lettres come in very handy =)