Creating that Low end Thud?


May 14, 2008

Sorry for the shitty title but I can't really explain myself. I just wanted to ask how one can achieve the ubiquitous punch used in breakdowns mainly for hardcore acts. It adds a cool effect. I don't know if there is a thread about it already?

This is an example from the band Winds of Plague who use the effect a little bit too much but I still think they're an awesome band.

: [ame][/ame]

You can hear the effect I'm talking about at these times:

My guess is that its some sort of resonator working for that second on that particular hit? Thats the best I've got.

Can any of you please explain how to achieve this effect and what it is causing it?

Thanks in advance!

PS - if there is a thread about this already please excuse me and direct me to it. I tried searching but didn't know what to search for exactly!
What do you mean? How do you do it though? Do you mean that for that second you cut all high and mid frequencies and boost the lows?