Creating vocal harmonies in melodyne?

Dec 19, 2003
Okay, I've used melodyne previously only as a pitch-correction tool, but I was interested in creating some backing vocals for a project I’m working on. I watched a vid on youtube where it said all that is required to create a vocal harmony is to highlight the notes you want to harmonise, hold down the 'alt' key then drag and drop to required pitch (and melodyne automatically drags the harmony onto another track), yet when I try this I have no luck..? I also can't find what I'm looking for in the manual.

I am running Melodyne Version 2.5, so I'm not even sure if this feature is on this version, or maybe I'm missing something simple here?

Any help would be appreciated!

I can do exactly what you said in Melodyne 3. I don't know in melodyne 2.5 but in 3 there a very neat help feature with live tutorials and examples.

If the feature is not available in 2.5 you may want to upgrade to 3.0, is a really good software.
Thanks for the reply, out of curiosity I downloaded the demo version of Melodyne studio 3.3 (latest version, with all the features, except that it interjects a beep now and then and doesn't let you save projects), and even on this version the vocal harmony cut and paste thing isn't working for me, so by process of illimination it's got to be something I'm doing wrong (I did notice on the youtube vid the vocal harmony he cutted and pasted had little blue boxes around the notes). If anyone could post a short step by step guide of how they actually drag vocal harmonies over across to a 3rd or 5th (etc), this would be great!
i done this myself manually, by creating another track, copying, then pasting the event onto the other track, then dragging until it was right

however, i find that the result of creating harmonies in melodyne, is that they sound WEIRD. i can't really describe it, maybe i was doing something wrong!

i'd be interested to hear how this one sounds!

You have to make sure that you have the "Edit pitch Tool" (to move stuff around) selected and not the "Modulation Tool" (to change the modulation). Then you select the area you want to harmonize, hold ALT-shift and drag the area with the mouse up or down to where you want the harmony. You should hear the harmonization of the first note of the phrase on "real time" while you move the notes.