Criminals dumping weak dollar for Euro, Canada blamed

I don't know anyone who does marijuana that is addicted to it. You never see people in rehab for chronic weed addiction. It's always the harder stuff.

Most people who are in jail for non violent drug offenses are in there due to marijuana, whether it is possession or intent to sell or whatever. If weed was to be legalized, crime would drop significantly and the jails would miraculously not be overcrowded anymore. Weed will never be legalized on a countrywide level though because they would lose tax revenues from cigarettes. Of course, if you tax the shit out of weed, you have more government revenue there, so I don't know what the issue is.
im talking about the harsher drugs non weed.

I think there would be the same amount because there are the people who know the effects of cocaine usage and don't want to be associated with using cocaine either. Then you have the people who only do it on a recreational basis. If it was legalized, these recreational users wouldn't really use it as much since it would be easier to get.

It's like alcohol. When people are in college and underage, people go to parties because the beer is plentiful and free, so you tend to overuse it due to excitement of breaking the rules. However, once you're able to actually spend money on alcohol, you tend to buy it less because you can get it whenever you want and it's not a big deal to you anymore.
except alcohol is not addictive, unless you assume mass--mass quantities of it every day
You don't get addicted to coke or heroin either if you use it once a week or so, you have to use it pretty much every day too. So what's the difference?