Criminals dumping weak dollar for Euro, Canada blamed

Do you not research history at all?


In turn, this brought about liquor trafficking, which was on a MUCH LARGER scale than the amount the federal government was seizing from regular citizens

what are you even arguing? im talking about alcohol consumption pre-prohibition to right after and you're telling me about it and organized crime.
Uh, you're telling me there was more alcohol users once the law went into effect?

"So you're telling me once prohibition was in effect the alcohol users increased?"

how would you know more consumption?

(arguing against your point)

"How would you know alcohol was being more consumed?"

what are you even arguing? im talking about alcohol consumption pre-prohibition to right after and you're telling me about it and organized crime.

Did consumption throw you off?? I meant to say users but even so, I dont believe more people drank alcohol under affect of Prohibition

im really quite confused of how you're confused
rms, do a little research please. Prohibition was a massive failure and as Ozzman said, spurred the development of Organized Crime. The point of my initial comparison was to show how banning something does not necessarily benefit society, regardless of the fact that the banned thing is harmful.
rms, do a little research please. Prohibition was a massive failure and as Ozzman said, spurred the development of Organized Crime. The point of my initial comparison was to show how banning something does not necessarily benefit society, regardless of the fact that the banned thing is harmful.
Think of it as swearing. If everyone swears, it doesn't mean anything, but if you're in a hardcore christian church and swear you'd be hanged.
Do you not research history at all?


In turn, this brought about liquor trafficking, which was on a MUCH LARGER scale than the amount the federal government was seizing from regular citizens


rms, do a little research please. Prohibition was a massive failure and as Ozzman said, spurred the development of Organized Crime. The point of my initial comparison was to show how banning something does not necessarily benefit society, regardless of the fact that the banned thing is harmful.
Yah, he is a little special and unique in that he speaks before looking something up. But I guess he had never heard of Al Capone and the Mob, how it bankrolled them into other areas like unions, gambling, extortion, loansharking etc. Prohibition put them on the map. And whether he likes to believe it or not it did increase consumption though not users. Much like drugs it was a taboo that people wanted to do.
They did this interesting thing in Vancouver where they had a safe injection site for drug users. Basically you could go there and shoot up with safe needles and not be punished. It didn't work that well because not enough people used it and now the Conservatives are trying to shut it down, but I think it's a good idea.
I think offering that in the rehab process is a better idea. People are more likely to start a rehab program in which they take baby steps rather than cold turkey.
rms, do a little research please. Prohibition was a massive failure and as Ozzman said, spurred the development of Organized Crime. The point of my initial comparison was to show how banning something does not necessarily benefit society, regardless of the fact that the banned thing is harmful.

Nothing has the social impact that alcohol does so it's not even comparable. I don't give a shit that it started organized crime and I knew that, it's irrelevant to any point I was trying to make.
I don't have any. It was just a thought. I don't think lowering it is a bad idea, just lowering it to 18. I would prefer no drinking age at all. I'll quote WAIF on this.

As far as drinking, I see that as a cultural thing; if parents started giving kids a little booze early on, made it so it was no big deal to have some alcohol, they wouldn't be all "let's get drunk!" because it wouldn't be exciting when they could have a little alcohol whenever.

If you are given cheesecake once, you'll eat a lot of it. But if you get cheesecake whenever you want it, you won't eat much and so you won't get fat.
I don't have any. It was just a thought. I don't think lowering it is a bad idea, just lowering it to 18. I would prefer no drinking age at all. I'll quote WAIF on this.
I remember seeing the results of an experiment that very much support this. They noticed that if people had a ridiculous amount of food to choose from they just chose in moderation, but if it was given in containers, then they would strive just to empty the container. In other words, if people see there's a limit, it's in their psychology to go to that limit, but if there's no limit they tend to be more reasonable, unless they're obsessed with said thing.
The reason I think 18 is a stupid age is because people go to college and are away from parents. That is a bad time to let someone get their hands on a potentially harmful substance. Especially when they spent years waiting until they could finally get it. I think we're better off with no drinking age at all.