Crimson II sample (EoS)

Read the Silent Hill 3 thread. Read the durable bands thread. Notice how I have many positive things to say. I like music that doesn't suck, strange as that may be. Dan Swano usually sucks, he is just way too cheesy and dull. He rehashes the same ideas over and over and over and over until I just want to smack him in the face and tell him to do something even remotely new and interesting, which he hasn't done for probably 8 years now.
My point?

That a band that has only released 3 cds has shown a greater variety in a single song than a man who is supposedly very diverse has done in his entire career. Swano is just stale, he ran out of ideas long ago and has been coasting on the ideas of others ever since then. Regardless of the shitty keyboards, Moontower is a complete and utter rip-off of Tales from the Thousand Lakes era Amorphis, 100%. I played Black Winter Day and Moontower once back to back and I seriously could hardly tell the difference, except that the keyboards in Moontower were far worse and far more prominent.
LuminousAether said:
Oh come on, the keyboards in Moontower are horrible! They sound like some happy happy 70s bullshit which makes that otherwise pedestrian album into a complete failure. And don't get me started on Nightingale, that shit is goddamn pukeworthy.

Sounds like the 70s? Maybe because Dan is a old school prog nut? I will admit that Alive Again (Nightingale) has kinda got to the point that I dont wanna hear it much anymore. It wore thin real quick for me.