Critiques for a Hardcore/Metal mix?


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
This is a band I recorded a couple weeks ago and I was hoping to get some opinions on the mix. They are basically a hardcore/metal band with some unique sort of craziness about them, you may love it or hate it....I haven't decided yet personally :D ... Anyway, any criticisms or suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

The song is called "Kate Moss Kicks the Habit"
hey the part like a little more than halfway through the song where it like has a sonic boom thing ( a huge bass hit) i dont know how to descibe it can u tell me how the hell you do that i love it and i want it in some of my mixes but i dont know how ot do it thanks a lot!

Thanks alot for the listen and the comments guys.
I'll do a little more tweaking on that stuff.

I do that boom with a sound synthesizer called "Stomper"
It's a stand alone program that lets you create a custom sound wave with any kind of frequency/amplitude/decay characteristics. Really cool for those big bass drop things, and best of all it's free!

Here's a link:
The settings would be kind of hard to describe, actually. It's a visual interface and you just sort of drag the waveform to the pitch that you want, then draw in a visual representation of the pitch change, amplitude change and decay. When you load up the program you'll see what I mean. It also comes with a bunch of pre drawn shapes to start with.
hey sorry to keep asking so many questions but i cant really find the sound i want, is there anyway you could tell me your frequency and amplitude and waveform numbers, anything i get thats the right frequency always sounds too vibraty. thanks for any help

Sure dude, The frequency on that particular thing started at like D0 and swept down to 0 in a smooth drop. The amplitude started at .95 and swept down to 0. TH total length was about 4.5 seconds. And the waveform shape was the first shape in the list, the one with the smooth curve.

Dreathus, I use Sonar 5 producer edition.


Wait, I'll do you one better, here's some screen captures of Stomper with a very similar wave:



I don't compress it or anything, it is a perfectly smooth soundwave...I wouldn't touch it with anything so it will stay clean.
I send it to the master bus where I have a limiter in action. It does make everything else duck down just a little when it hits, but I think it works good that way.