Needs opinions of defferent mixes (Death Metal)

Aug 6, 2006
I have two songs I have been working on. I posted them before and made a good deal a tweaks from what people suggested. I also tweaked the guitars a bit. So below is two different songs with two different mixes. I would love to know what mix you guys like better.

Song 1 Guitar tweak # 1:

Song 1 Guitar tweak # 2:


Song 2 Guitar tweak # 1:

Song 2 Guitar tweak # 2:

I think I like the "Tweak #2" for each song but would love any and all comments, good or bad. Thank you.

I agree on the cymbal comment. The second set of mixes sound better to me since they are a little bit duller, which makes them a bit easier on the ears. The first set are just too bright IMO.
Nebulous said:
I agree on the cymbal comment. The second set of mixes sound better to me since they are a little bit duller, which makes them a bit easier on the ears. The first set are just too bright IMO.

I will work some on the cymbals and see what i can come up with. I also like the 2nd set of mixes, they seems fuller and I like the guitar sound much more in the second mixes.

them][nstrel said:
Hi Bloodsoaked. I'm Mistral over at the HR bbs. I see you posting there a lot :p

What is up dude? I try and post on a few different forums to get differnt points of view and this forum is great for death metal and metal in general.
