SM57 vs. Audix I5 (samples)

I've tried using the i5 and 57 together and I actually prefer just the i5 by itself. Check out the song "Transmission" on my band's website, it's quad tracked with one i5 on my 6505+ with Mesa standard (oversized) 4x12 ith v30s, ESP mahogany body guitar, EMG 85 in bridge, Maxon OD820 pedal in front.
Metalhead28 said:
I thought that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure.

Yeah, they are in the exact same position. Right on the grille, straight in, and about 1 1/2 inches out of center, basically right on the edge of the dustcap.

I even used the exact same performances by re-amping a DI signal for each recording. Haha, I try to do comparisons as scientifically as possible.

The 57 sounds fuller to me. I usually put the mic on the same position, but about an inch away from the grill. This makes a huge difference on the high end.
Bottom line: They're both great. Audix has done something nobody else has yet manged to accomplish: Give the 57 a serious run for the money. You could track metal guitars with either mic and not go wrong.

I have two 57s with the transformer removed which sound very similar to to my i5s.

Also, I have two 57s, with transformers that have a very honky tone... very unlike my i5s

My experience is not all 57s are born equal...
kelch, i just took a shatner and was reading an old sound on sound mag that had the 57 mod tutorial in it...

i dont spose you have any clips with mod vs. unmod?

IMO, the i5 slays the 57. in these clips here, and in every exhaustive home test i have done that involves the i5, 57, and 609.
EtherForBreakfast said:
kelch, i just took a shatner and was reading an old sound on sound mag that had the 57 mod tutorial in it...

i dont spose you have any clips with mod vs. unmod?

IMO, the i5 slays the 57. in these clips here, and in every exhaustive home test i have done that involves the i5, 57, and 609.
sure do...

57 with and w/o transformer

the first clip is the stock 57 with the transformer... IMO it has somewhat of a honky tone to it. I don't always care for it but others have stated they prefer it. the second clip is with the transformer removed.

during tracking, everything else was held constant, including mic positioning. my playing is variable...
kelch said:
sure do...

57 with and w/o transformer

the first clip is the stock 57 with the transformer... IMO it has somewhat of a honky tone to it. I don't always care for it but others have stated they prefer it. the second clip is with the transformer removed.

during tracking, everything else was held constant, including mic positioning. my playing is variable...
Not offend you but I think that your tone honky and removing the transformer helped but you can get so much better from a stock 57 if you get the right tone in first place.
Do you you have the same recording with an I5? It would have been interesting to compare it.
~BURNY~ said:
Not offend you but I think that your tone honky and removing the transformer helped but you can get so much better from a stock 57 if you get the right tone in first place.
Do you you have the same recording with an I5? It would have been interesting to compare it.
No offense taken... unless you're assuming my tone in incorrect... :notworthy I'll avoid the pissin contest

not all 57's sound the same. I have experienced other 57s (with transformer) that are much closer to the i5.

I believe I did track the i5 at the same time. I'll post it.
I'll agree. 57's can vary widely from mic to mic.... especially on heavy guitar. Last time I bought a pair, I purchased 4 of them, miked up a cabinet at home & did a shootout. I kept the best 2 and brought the others back.
OzNimbus said:
I'll agree. 57's can vary widely from mic to mic.... especially on heavy guitar. Last time I bought a pair, I purchased 4 of them, miked up a cabinet at home & did a shootout. I kept the best 2 and brought the others back.
okay... here's a clip

57 with - 57 w/o - i5

1.) 57 with the transformer
2.) 57 without the transformer (same mic)
3.) i5
Kazrog said:
I've tried using the i5 and 57 together and I actually prefer just the i5 by itself. Check out the song "Transmission" on my band's website, it's quad tracked with one i5 on my 6505+ with Mesa standard (oversized) 4x12 ith v30s, ESP mahogany body guitar, EMG 85 in bridge, Maxon OD820 pedal in front.

That's exactly what I use. :) I have a different guitar though.
hey only my 2nd post guys

Hey..sounds good. Sounds like you were closer to the cone with the audix though

a good test would be ...get the best possible sound(to you) with each mic. That may mean different settings on the head and different mic placements for each. That will tell you which is better for the track.