SM57 vs. Audix I5 (samples)


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
After reading so much in the praise of the I5, I decided to pick one up the other day. I also never found a thread around here with a direct comparison of the two so I figured I would step up and throw one out there.

Both mics were placed about 1 1/2 inches out of center and on axis. The amp is a 5150 II and a Marshall cab. The pre-amp is an FMR Audio RNP.

I recorded two passes and panned them around 80 percent either way.

I also just quickly dialed in a sound and it's not alot of gain...may not be to everyone's liking around here but it gives a good representation of the differences between the mics I think.

Here you go.....

Audix i5

Shure SM57

It might be worth noting that the Audix was about 3 db louder than the 57 at the same gain setting. It might sound better pulled back from the cab a little or something...I just wanted to put it in the same place I would put a 57 to get a good comparison.
I'm going to tinker with it and try to find the best sound some day soon. I don't necessarily like it better, but it's definitely a different flavor.
57 sounds fuller, like there's more information in the signal so you can work more with post-EQ... maybe it's just that i'm really used to how a 57 sounds on distorted guitars though
You know, at first I didn't like the i5 as much because I thought the high end was too harsh, but I've come to realize that a lot of that comes down to the cabinet used. That smaller Mesa cab is so much brighter that it can get thin/shrill, which the i5 helped accentuate. But I tried it last night with the oversized Mesa cab, and it sounded so good that I didn't want to leave the studio. So yeah, I agree, it's a good idea to have one of each (i5 and 57).
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
I don't think those samples are fair enough, because obviously the mic placement is different for both mics. Andy posted 57/i5 clips that sounded much more alike if not that the i5 were more open.

Are you saying that the mic placement in my samples is obviously different, or that the optimum mic placement would obviously be different?

I just put them in the exact same position so that there would be no other variables at work. Ultimately the i5 may sound better in a different position, but for that matter I doubt that either mic is near it's optimum position, lol.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
haha, no I meant that I thought they were not in the very same place, but I may be wrong of course. They just sound so different while they didn't on Andy's clips...

I thought that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure.

Yeah, they are in the exact same position. Right on the grille, straight in, and about 1 1/2 inches out of center, basically right on the edge of the dustcap.

I even used the exact same performances by re-amping a DI signal for each recording. Haha, I try to do comparisons as scientifically as possible.