Extreme black/death metal recording, take a listen?


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
Hey guys, I appreciate all of your opinions, and I thought I would post a song for critique. This is just me and some friends doing this for fun in my studio. The guitars were actually all just scratch tracks, but I actually ended up liking the sound of them for this song so I left them as they were. Any opinions on the song or the mix?

Thanks in advance

yeah, i thought about that as well, but only in the trempicked higher pitched bits, sounds ok when the guitar is playing in the lower register
Tight playing, i like the vocals, and the whole song! :headbang:

I agree about the guitars as well.. krank em a bit more..
I am listening through pretty good studio monitors, and I dig it. The drums need to go down a bit. Just a smig. bass, maybe up a nuthair. Good tune!
Sometimes the guitar notes sound like a "thud", like it's recorded at barely any volume at all on the (tube) amp, ie. the notes don't seem to ring. The same effects comes from waaaaaaaaay too excess compressing (it starts pumping), but I don't think it's the case here though.
Thanks everybody. Yeah, the guitars were recorded as scratch tracks actually, I didn't dial in a real good sound. It was my 50 watt JCM 900 at about half volume, so no it wasn't a real huge sound. I just listened to it afterwards and I kinda thought it fit. Normally I would use a combo of my 5150 II and the Marshall for the tone but I just didn't take this song that far. I may go in and retrack the guitars soon.
Thanks for the listen everybody, much appreciated.

Necrophagist Junior......haha...word :headbang:
Good Arrangement. Like that. The Drums are a little bit to two dimensional. Try to give them a little more 3th dimension. The voices are great but in the stereo image disturbing one dimensional. Please try to spread them a little bit.