"Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

I enjoyed this one a little more.

Rather funny how a topic about a clip can derail (is that an existing word?) so hard. If they wait 2 days longer with releasing the clip this topic is going to be the biggest offtopic junk on the forum.

And yes 9/11 is painfull, but its a valuable lesson for the americans. They are NOT invincible in this world. Sometimes I have the feeling that some americans think they stand above all others, or maybe its just that ugly face of bush and rice on the telly that make me think that.
Its like the aids problem. some ppl tried to punch me in the face when I say a cure for aids is not good for our world. A sickness is just a way of nature to try to restore its vulnerable balance. Immunity is going to be men's fall. (And DONT say i have no feeling, because i'm sad too about people who have aids)