"Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!


Hail. :kickass:
Dude, where did that come from? I oof need one of those buttons - the soccer moms at my kids' school would die. I have this sticker on my car that says "loki loves me. Oh crap!" Some of them asked me wha it meant, one lady died laughing, and someone else tried to peel the sticker off when I wasn't watching. I dare them to try to peel one of those buttons me!
I made it, seemed the most succinct way to throw in my 2 penningr on politics. Someone tried to peel off your Loki sticker? That's not cool. I'd be tempted to put a Rainbow Pride sticker on their car or something... with epoxy.
We Americans have a bad reputation in the eyes of the rest of the world. It is the face of our politicians that give up that reputation. Most Americans are like the rest of the world. Hard working people who claw and fight for everything we have. It is our politicians and Hollywood that show Americans as being self-absorbed egomaniacs.

And another thing voting for the presidential election is pointless. With the long standing electoral college, why bother? If you look at the numbers for Bush's second term as-well-as Clinton's first term (I believe it might be his second term) both men lost popular vote but were both inducted as president. The both won bigger states with more electoral votes or in the case of Bush won all of the "Nascar Dad's" votes, which is the Mid-West, South, and West. John Kerry won all of the big states and east coast. Kerry had more votes from people in the states he won than Bush did, but because of the Electoral college Bush was re-inaugrated. So to sum it up WHY BOTHER!?! Our government doesn't even trust us to vote.
When I worked in the cop shop in Sweden, some kids were being babysat by their grandmother, whom they did not like. The solution? What we back home called "second glue". It stays wet until you make an airtight seal by placing something up against it, i. e. the thing you want to glue to something. A few carefully placed drops on the toilet seat ensured that grandma stayed out of the kids' hair for the night, and also that grandmother had to be taken to the ER to have the toilet seat removed from her behind.
Reading through the last pages of this thread made me wonder if I should be ashamed of being an Amon Amarth-Fan, rather then being proud of it ... :rolleyes:

Anyway: when does the new video come out, and will it be downloadable?
What's to be ashamed of?

And before I start philosophizing again, the folk who know when it's coming out haven't said, but I'm positive it will be downloadable. Hopefully it will be soon, since a couple of our less patient friends are about to give themselves coronaries. ;)
if you're offended by humor, I don't want to hear about it. A stupid nine eleven joke is offensive, but Nicholas Cage banking millions to phone in a shitty performance in an exploitative hunk of hollywood bullshit is praise worthy. Oh, this world makes no sense. Now let's end the silliness and keep it O/T.
Settle down, Beavis. I'm sure the guys aren't just taking their time to jerk us around. Maybe they have an obligation to premiere it somewhere? I'm far from being in the know, but I trust them to deliver something kick ass when they can.