Cubase 4 N00B Question...


Jun 12, 2009
QLD, Australia
This is really annoying me:


How do I set this to disabled? Every time I open my project some of my plug ins go straight back the first factory preset.

Yeah dude.
not to be that guy.. but it's always worth it to actually BUY your main DAW if not anything else.
it's your most important software and it's important not to have any problems with it.

Reaper is totally worth it. if I wasn't totally satisfied with Digital Performer, Reaper would be my second choice.

Hell I bought Reaper and don't even use it

I intend to eventually, I am just so comfortable in Sonar :(

haha. I'm thinking about buying it to try it for a project.
like you, I'm SUPER comfortable with DP.
I don't even know anyone else who uses DP. it's SUCH a versatile DAW with great Audio & MIDI functions.
plus I work for MOTU. so I feel obligated to plug. haha
Yup Yup, legit version doesn't do this. The crack causes the "trial" software to do a full reset every time you launch it. That's how it gets around the time for the trial and you can use it indefinitely.
My buddy had a cracked version of Cubase as well as that VSTi that had that reseting problem so I can't really say wether it's the cracked Cubase or the cracked VSTi that causes the problem. :Spin: