Cubase 5 audio dropouts!

Jun 2, 2005
Damn.. i thought i had seen it all, but this one is new and im kind of in a hurry to get this sorted.

Right, so im on a decent/fast machine:

- Windows 7 (just installed it yesterday)
- Cubase 5
- RME Fireface 400

Now every other audio device seems to work.. windows media player, youtube, etc.. no hickups.

When i enter cubase though, it simply drops out the audio every 20 seconds or so for a second.
When im checking the CPU it's around 30%, that's not it it seems.
The disc check stays at 2% or so, nothing wrong with that it seems.

This is what's wrong:

No avoiding them dropouts.. grrr!

Any ideas? I changed my firewire to legacy btw, that's not it either.

Think with me lads, and i'll grand you a TGM shirt and album! lol.
Wee update:

Just imported a MP3 file into Cubase 5 and zero dropouts..
I have a lot of plugins working with MIDI in the project that wont work without audio dropouts.. could it be MIDI related perhaps?

Wee update 2:

I imported nuendo 3 files into cubase 5 and that might be the problem.. it works, the stuff is there but i guess that's the problem.
Just created a project with 10 MIDI instruments with plugins on them, combined with audio files and no drop outs.
Well here you go you probably found the problem! My friend was experiencing similar problems so i went over dl the DPC latency checker opened it and the problem occured exactly when the bar becomes red every time. disabled his LAN from the device manager and everything works properly; conflict.

Anyways glad to hear you solved this.. we always reach some obstacles but aint nothin worse than the DAW :s !!
Audio dropouts are the spawns of satan himself.

That being said that's a very weird solution to the problem. Never thought the incompatibility with the 2 DAWs would cause the dropouts.
I remember my issue, that took forever for me to figure out, being that I had to disable the infrared receiver on my pc. Sucks too cause I really enjoyed controlling my DAW with a remote controller.
Yeah, i kept reading things about having to disable your LAN, receivers you normally don't use, etc..

Im still not convinced this is the main problem, but at least i can get it to work now.
I started noticing it's not 100% the DAW that suffers from the audio drop outs, as the click track continues working and all audio and MIDI tracks stop for a second.

Well, for now.. case closed. Good work Mulder and Scully! ;)
Will do sir!

Last time i updated my RME drivers though, it fucked the card and it did not get reconized.. just the thought of having to go through that again makes my ballsack shrink.

But i'll give it a try.
Cheers Matt.. tried it and no issues found.

By a fluke, i found out what it was that caused the dropouts.. get this, it was voxengo curve EQ that caused it!
As soon as i turned it off, it was happy mixing and recording time.. weird aint it? just a plug fucking up the entire system.
Hahah, that's the first thing I thought when I saw the waveform without even hearing it - plugin in demo mode ;)