Cubase 5 crashing like a fucker

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey guys, I have a project that is crashing like a maniac on Cubase 5 Mac. It's gotten to a point now where I actually can't open the project, as soon as it finished loading the windows show up and it quits and crashes instantly... So... is there a way I can load a project with the plugins "turned off" or something like that? I NEED to get onto the session as I'm in the middle of mixing lol...

cheers guys
ms dos window? what?

Nope, no Melodyne. I literally don't understand this, I'm sick of fucking OSX I'm definitely moving to Windows after this, Cubase crashes all the time, can't handle fuck all. Now this is happening and I can't loose this, I need to be able to get on it...
I overlooked you mentioning you are on the mac, sorry.

Well, once I had ms dos window pop up quickly after Cubase had loaded up, and then whole thing just exited to Windows, that's why I asked. I am on Win tho. The only thing you can do is to delete (before you do that, do back up ofc) one by one all plugins used in the session from the VST folder (if you can't remember which one did you use, do that with all installed plugins). That is, delete a plugin and then try to load up Cubase, rinse&repeat 'till you succeed. Good luck.
Cheers for the response... I'm not sure if it's a plugin or if it's just RAM overload or something... Is that the only way to do it? Removing plugins?! There really isn't a way to get into the project with the plugins disabled? Like a shortcut or wtv?
When I've had this issue before, I move the contents of the VST folder to another area and launch Cubase; if it loads fine, it's a plugin issue and you need to put each plugin back in one-by-one until you find the issue.

I will say that I had these problems with C5 but have not had anything of the sort with C6.
Yes, because it's totally OSX that's causing it. In case you didn't realize, this happens on Windows as well, and other DAWs. It's got nothing to do with OSX. But I hope if you do switch and it happens that you blame Windows and switch to something else, Linux maybe? :lol:

EDIT: Jeff beat me to the answer.
Thanks Jeff!

Thanks for the help 006 as well, but I've used Windows for many many years and never had as much problems as I have with OS X and Cubase 5... Seriously, the way it handles memory is a joke. I've got a octo-core Mac Pro and my old quadcore PC ran sessions doubled the size without a problem... I mean. I'm running a session with like 20 tracks... and it crashes a lot, that's just unnaceptable, this is after a fresh format/install as well...
No, I don't think that Cubase has that option to load a project with plugins disabled, like Reaper has for example.

And Jeff suggested the same thing as me :Spin:
Thanks Jeff!

Thanks for the help 006 as well, but I've used Windows for many many years and never had as much problems as I have with OS X and Cubase 5... Seriously, the way it handles memory is a joke. I've got a octo-core Mac Pro and my old quadcore PC ran sessions doubled the size without a problem... I mean. I'm running a session with like 20 tracks... and it crashes a lot, that's just unnaceptable, this is after a fresh format/install as well...

Completely atypical of what most users experience, that's all I can say man. Cubase 4, 5 and 6 for years no problems on Mac for me. I'm not going to argue with you, enjoy switching over.
Seems like something wrong in your system but..Think about getting other DAW)) I ve been in Nuendo for 7 years and then I tried Pro Tools, what can I say...the days of nuendo are like a nightmare for me now to remember)))
Completely atypical of what most users experience, that's all I can say man. Cubase 4, 5 and 6 for years no problems on Mac for me. I'm not going to argue with you, enjoy switching over.

Are you on Lion or Snow Leopard? General system responsiveness seems faster on Windows, I guess upgrading to cubase 6 is in order as well anyways
When I've had this issue before, I move the contents of the VST folder to another area and launch Cubase; if it loads fine, it's a plugin issue and you need to put each plugin back in one-by-one until you find the issue.

I will say that I had these problems with C5 but have not had anything of the sort with C6.

This. Usually start having crashes after installing a dodgy plugin.

Or when I tweak or move/remove slate trigger. :mad: :lol:
Yes, Trigger is the main one, I can never quit a project with Trigger on it without it crashing, it crashes 100% of the time. But this one doesn't have it, it was just all of a sudden. =/
i know it's not what you want to hear, but i've had session files in cubase before that just got flat-out corrupted and wouldn't load for anything. of course that was a while ago - with cubase 3 on winxp, and here's to hoping this isn't the issue you're facing, but it IS a possibility...
There is definitely something wrong with your Cubase5 if it still can't handle so many tracks ! Don't know about W7/OsX memory performance but I can handle hundreds of tracks (let's say a good hundred-ish session with normal use of vst etc) in reaper with a 2011 macbookpro
I don't understand... I do use Nebula, but I do most of the Nebula stuff in a pre-mix sesh, then I on the actual mixing session I use just a tiny bit (mainly shelves and shit) but it really crashes when I need to adjust something on a waves rEQ as soon as I touch the band, boom, exits, just like that...

Counting with all the busses, single tracks, FX returns and 2buss I have 43 tracks on this mix. And a lot of the single tracks have nothing on them as they're being processed on a buss... This really shouldn't be happening should it? Could it be Nebula causing the fucking thing to go haywire? fucks sake...