Cubase 5 crashing like a fucker

Nebula is known to be quite a resource hog. I don't use that shit. I have huge sessions going all the time with tons of plug-ins no problem on my quad-core i7 iMac with 4GB RAM. The Slate TRIGGER crashing the DAW on close can be avoided by saving the project, then doing File>New Project, choose an Empty project template, choose whatever folder it's not important, click OK, when the new empty session opens up, then Quit Cubase. Should Quit without any problems. I don't know why it does it, but I know a ton of people have that issue with TRIGGER. Also have no idea what you mean about OSX's responsiveness, OSX has been way better for me than Windows ever was when it comes to that, I'm on OSX 10.6.8.
that's quite interesting in a bummer kind of way as i'd thought the memory handling of osx was supposed to be better (?).

anyway, as much as these things can usually be tracked back to a certain plugin, more often then not this is what happens when (on win) cubase has neared the 'crap out' threshold, that is, when the program starts to take up around 1 - 1.5 GB of RAM. in my and many users' experience this is where the program becomes quite unstable and in fact any ram-hungry plugin can take it down instantly. sometimes a plugin with a blank gui appears (not enough memory to load the graphics?), sometimes the daw will crash completely. that's my experience anyway and after having consulted some dsp developers, i was told the only way is to go 64bit. what i still find puzzling then is how come other daws can handle similar plugin loads with much more grace. what gives?