Cubase/Nuendo Question: How do mousewheel zoom?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I've been playing around, trying to get more 'comfortable' with Cubase lately. I've been setting some key commands here and there for basic stuff, but how do I make alt + mousewheel zoom like it would on PT? I like to use the wheel as an integral part of my transport, but can't seem to get it to function like PT. On that note, is there a way to reverse the direction that the wheel causes the project to scroll in by default? It's in reverse to PT at the moment, and I'd like it to be more consistent.

I've hit up some tutorials, but most seem to focus on key commands rather than the mouse, so I don't quite know where to go from here.

I don't think you can do it with your mouse, at least in cubase sx3, I dont know for cuibase 4 or 5 or nuendo. In the shortcuts window, you can assign it to new shortcut but it doesnt seem to detect the mouse wheel:erk:
Yea, I feel you on this one. I ended up buying a mouse with forward and backwards buttons right by my thumb and assigning those to zoom. Using quick zoom from the timeline bar is pretty sweet though.

Actually a multifunction mouse was one of my best purchases ever. I have left and right scrolling set to RR and FF and quick access to snap on/off and follow cursor along with the zoom buttons. Also, Nuendo will scroll left and right instead of up and down by holding shift.
i kinda wonder what the problem is with just hitting G to zoom in....
if you'd like cubase to behave more like PT, well, then why don't you just GET PT...i'm assuming this is for your home setup, so PT LE/Mpowered should do the trick just fine without being too expensive...or am i dead wrong here?
btw, this isn't meant to be an offense in any way! :) just thinking out loud...
i kinda wonder what the problem is with just hitting G to zoom in....
if you'd like cubase to behave more like PT, well, then why don't you just GET PT...i'm assuming this is for your home setup, so PT LE/Mpowered should do the trick just fine without being too expensive...or am i dead wrong here?
btw, this isn't meant to be an offense in any way! :) just thinking out loud...

Cuz Ermz already has an interface (RME Multiface) that shits over any M-Audio or Digidesign interface ;)

And Dave, that's fucking brilliant to get a mouse with a shitload of assignable buttons (provided I didn't accidentally them all :D), I should investigate! Which one do you have dude?
Most of the time I use the timebar. When this is not an option I use the zoom slider in the lower right corner.

A cool feature is to move up/down/left and right by clicking and holding onto the mouse scroll button.
This is the one I use, although I'm sure there are better options. I just happen to find this one cheap a while back.


The software lets you assign buttons to specific key strokes per program so you can set it up for all your DAWs and editors. On this particular mouse you can't reassign the retarded email and message keys and a few times I've accidentally opened outlook or something. I've had the mouse for years and its only happened maybe 2 or 3 times.

If you go for this one or something similar, do yourself a favor and buy a brick of batteries at the same time.
This is the one I use, although I'm sure there are better options. I just happen to find this one cheap a while back.

The software lets you assign buttons to specific key strokes per program so you can set it up for all your DAWs and editors. On this particular mouse you can't reassign the retarded email and message keys and a few times I've accidentally opened outlook or something. I've had the mouse for years and its only happened maybe 2 or 3 times.

If you go for this one or something similar, do yourself a favor and buy a brick of batteries at the same time.

Yeah, I'm sure it devours 'em - thanks for the link dude!
Marcus; alledgely the Profire 2626 from M-Audio is very close to the RME stuff, so I am told anyways. I'm planning on getting one, because I don't like Digi hardware, but I would like to run PT.
Yeah, the Profire looks good, but for all the features it has (8 preamps, 2 banks of ADAT) and yet its price point, I find it hard to believe the converters would be on part with the RME! (and the dude in this thread compared the two and found the Fireface to be superior sounding). Still, the Profire definitely looks like a solid unit
Well they say it's close, not on par. In terms of price difference, does it matter all that much?? I'm not sure it does. A colleague has one, and he says it's miles better sound quality than other M-Audio gear. I was always very happy with my Audiophile back in the day.

Also, it's well known that your perception of a product before trying it out, affects the way you perceive the product. If the guy was subjected to a blind-test... he probably couldn't tell the difference. Again; for me, it comes down to whether any perceptive difference is worth the price difference.

Sorry to derail the thread :)
All I know is the Fireface has stood the test of time and people love it, and the FF400 (with 2 preamps and 18 total inputs) is $1300 US, while the Profire (with 8 preamps and 26 total inputs) is $700 US. There are many happy Profire users on here, and I'm sure it's well built and all, but that's a not insubstantial difference.