Cubase/Nuendo Question: How do mousewheel zoom?

G, H is where I'm currently at. Would rather just use something a ton more intuitive (wheel) and leave G open as a logical 'Grid Snap On/Off' function.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I already have a mouse similar to the one that was listed, so will see how that goes. Bernhard linked me to a recent thread on where a few users were asking for mousewheel zooming. I was astounded that after all these years, they haven't implemented it, or at least the option to assign it yourself!

@Fragle: I already have PTLE. Great for editing, but crap interface (mbox), can't use my Multiface, and would be subject to LE's limitations when mixing. In a perfect world I would have HD, but even then Digi's horrid WMD drivers wouldn't let me use their interfaces outside of ProTools in any stable fashion. The RME has been one of the most rock solid pieces of kit I've ever had. Amazingly good drivers and performance. I'm totally sold on em.
There's another thing I found pretty stupid about cubase, when you're recording a track if you hit ctrl+z it cancels your last action, but you cannot redo it like if you weren't recording. Any clue why it is doing this? I don't know why you'd hit ctrl+z while recording though, only time it happened were accidently.
I'm sure you know this, but just in case, just click and hold your mouse pointer on the timeline where the position cursor is and just drag up or down to zoom very quickly. I find this infinitely more efficient than using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

For others this a feature that can be done in other DAWs? That's one thing that's driven me crazy about mixing in other platforms.
I'm sure you know this, but just in case, just click and hold your mouse pointer on the timeline where the position cursor is and just drag up or down to zoom very quickly. I find this infinitely more efficient than using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

For others this a feature that can be done in other DAWs? That's one thing that's driven me crazy about mixing in other platforms.

Good call, I forgot about this - still prefer using the mousewheel in Reaper though ;)