Cures for Insomnia

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
Do any of you have trouble sleeping occasionally? I have the past few weeks, sometimes only going with 2-4 hours of sleep before having to get up for work at 6 am. Yeah it fucking sucks, to be frank.

Anyways, do you have any tips that personally work really well for you? Reading before bed used to do it for me, but now not so much. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Well if you can't sleep try doing something else. When I have trouble sleeping I'll get out of my bed and read, watch a movie, listen to music...stuff like that. Really I don't mind having problems sleeping. It happens but it's not a big deal. I find that when you concentrate on wanting to sleep you end up staying awake more. So do something else and you might fall asleep doing it or at least you'll be doing something more interesting then trying to fall asleep.
Yeah that's a good point. Whenever I can't fall asleep and I just end up laying there endlessly trying too, it never seems to happen. Reading works the best for me usually, but even then it isn't entirely full-proof.
Valium :D

Actually I don't really know, it's a hard one. Whenever I have to get up around that time of the morning I end up doing the same thing, I usually don't get to sleep until 2-2.30am because I know I have to get up early. It sucks.
Maybe this is just me, but a lot of times when I can't sleep, changing my bedsheets seems to help a lot.

My brother was in the hospital over the weekend because he hadn't slept in four days, and a lot of it was because of the anxiety over not being able to sleep.
I want to avoid using drugs to get to sleep, since the unwanted side effects could prove worse than a lack of sleep.

I did try taking these allergy pills since they make me really drowsy but when they didn't work I felt about 50 times worse in the morning than if I had gone without. Thanks for the tips anyways.
do some pushups...physical exhaustion

for a while I could only fall asleep with the tv on...then I'd wake up in the middle of the night and turn it off

of course, there's always masturbation
Gah, I have terrible sleeping problems.

It takes me hours to fall asleep, and when I'm not constantly waking up I absolutetly cannot sleep for more than five hours without waking up. For my entire life I always seem to wake up at least an hour before my alarm goes off - I don't even need an alarm clock really. I am also a light sleeper, and sometimes get terrible cases of sleep paralysis that are induced by extremely disturbing nightmares. I absolutely love and welcome nightmares but these are the most disgusting and terrifying moments in my life which feel very physically/metally real despite not being real, and far worse it's even more scary waking up not feeling your body, especially sick when you can't feel your neck and your body is tensing up, or when you just stop breathing for a bit and there's basically nothing you can do but wait.
It is a matter of passive concentration.

When you close your eyes you begin to see what is known as hypnogogic imagery; this is what leads you to the dreamworld. When your mind is too active it cannot go with the flow.

The first thing you need to do is to stop thinking that you can't fall asleep. As soon as your head hits the pillow, close your eyes and watch the images that you see without attempting to control them, but also do not let your mind wander into worries or other matters. If you do this immediately upon going to bed it will work much easier. If however, you decide to "think about things for a while" before you try to fall asleep it will be much harder to stop these thoughts, and your fear of not sleeping will keep you from sleeping. Read that last sentence a few times and let it really soak in. If you KNOW that you will have no trouble falling asleep, you will not; period.

If your mind just cannot be calmed down, then usually a forced concentration on your breath or one other thing will help to focus the mind enough that you can try again, but such concentration takes more practice than most people are willing to put in. After years of practice, I can focus my mind on one thing at will, and all else is nothing. I can even go into a sort of "trance" before sleep, where my mind is cut off from sense impressions entirely. No joke though, insomnia is a problem of an out-of-control mind, and you will benefit greatly in learning to focus on one point.

Drugs are no answer in my view. The easy way is always a waste of time.

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