Current addictions

To me it is the contrary, because what attracts me the most about Meshuggah is that they always keep things interesting while playing loud all the time. You always discover something new with each listen and the face raping just goes on and on. I'm really gay for them.
Hehe ;)

I'll give the album another try, I've only heard it once (the whole album, didn't switch it off!). I liked the first song actually.
:lol: I didn't even notice that... damn, and english is your second language...

For the most part I'm really digging this warrel solo outing.
I think there's a lot of Europeans who speak/write English better than people with English as their mother tongue. Sadly that's the truth here with all these ape/wiggers who butcher the language so horridly.
Yeah, the Ashes Divide cd is great, but that was to be expected.

Billy more then proved himself with APC.
I can name a couple of songs:

Anathema - Parisienne Moonlight
Lifelover - Kärlek - Becksvart Melankoli
Lifelover - Humörets Bottenvåning
The whole Dark Side of the Moon album by Pink Floyd.
Camel - Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider
Slumber - Rapture
Jeff Buckley - Nightmares by the Sea
Jeff Buckley - So Real
Opeth - Burden
Agalloch - You Were But a Ghost in my Arms
I have my usual 3 kick daily...listening to Jeff Buckley and Ours a bunch...and some Black Metal ala Archgoat/Morbosidad/Sarcofago/Blasphemy...etc
"The Maniacal Vale"--Esoteric. Been listening to the entire album once a day for over a week. Extreme/Pyhscadelic/Doom. Fuckin' massive!!! If this album is not in the Top 5 of 08, something's seriously wrong.