Currently Drinking Thread (Resurrected)

aleta said:
yeah,friday and saturday...concerts and beer!!! :kickass: !!!

Well no concert today, I think. Well some friends of mine's having a gig not too far from here but I don't think we will go, since I already made plans for tonight.

But tomorrow! I'm going to Stockholm at the Sweden Rock Festival Kick-off party. Some bands playing (Evergrey, Saxon and two more), events, competitions and lots of beer with 3000 other rockers. They'll also pronounce the first 22 bands for next years Sweden Rock Festival. F*ck Im so exited!
(Because I am dedicated to that festival. That's my home ;))
I am hard. I weigh 130kg and can go for days without sleep. I barge through large crowds of people, life weights, do pressups, go running and eat like a horse. I live off junk food like a real man.