The Maiden Downunder drinking game

Speaking of drinking....

Quite a few of you guys were regulars on our forums over the years, but we've made the decision to shut it down since it's.... well, about as busy as here, really. So I guess I'll be coming here from now on for the annual *glug* comment. :)
The purging of the LORD forum has made our post counts go backwards. That's grounds for glugging a whole keg I reckon! @Lord Tim, you'd have another 14,500+ posts in you to catch back up with no sweat, surely? It was only about 500 for me.

I was thinking that wouldn't typically happen on the classic forums of yesteryear, given post counts were like badges of honour and it wasn't necessarily your fault if a thread turned into such a massive flame war that it had to be nuked from space. Maybe in some cases those moderators were actually just moving the threads to their private crypt to build up evidence against us! Anyway, I'll stop rambling in case it interferes with your keg enjoyment.
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Ah man, I went from nearly 18,000 posts to 2800 :cry:

That deserves a glug for sure! *glug*

One additional glug for me because I lost all of my moderator cred too, since it was tied to the LORD forum primarily. Oh well. *glug*
*glug* Oops, I failed to spell a 3 letter word correctly in my previous post so that seems like reason enough for another *glug*! I fixed it of course, can't have that affecting my reputation. ;)
Need a glug after that week, fuck's sake. Boundary Road APA. A well-stocked beer around here that's actually a style I dig. Slightly better value because it's yet another one of those craft breweries that sold out to one of the major companies. Oh well.

Need a bunch of glugs in here before we can move onto a page that doesn't have any chests or chesters on it...
I went to Dan Murphy's to get some beer the other day and everything is so expensive now, so I guess I'll be glugging less than I previously did
I find you get to an age where it becomes kind of a headfuck to wrap your head around inflation. Beer is a bit cheaper here than there, except that I mostly only drink at live shows. An expensive habit, but I like how 3 beers consumed during enhances the music and supports the venues/scene. Though half the time when I do want beer from the store I have something specific in mind and end up driving to a particular place with stock instead of just settling for whatever the shops in walking distance have.

One strange thing is that I spend the same or slightly less on groceries than I did 8-10 years ago. A little of that is getting bored of ice cream and not buying things that only provide for two dinners. But mostly it's that my usual store either stopped stocking things I used to buy (been meaning to email them and see if that gets me anywhere), and a bunch of the varied snacks I used to gorge on don't even exist any more!
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