Currently gorging upon and absolutely LOVING...

I just made a crazy good tofu scramble with cremini mushrooms and spinach. There were some onions in the salsa I put on top DON'T WORRY.

If I had the time to take a photo you'd have thought it was eggs! suckers!
Grilled vegetable kebabs served with potatoes au gratin, tomato salsa and a small spring salad with lemon-honey dressing

Went to the local Thai restaurant for dinner tonight.
Chicken sauteed in wine sauce with dry chili and tamarind over vegetables carrots, onions, red and green peppers etc. Served with a side of sticky rice.

Twas quite good.
Yeah, I figure it's excellent. I had the cheddar version last time I was there and it was sensational.

@Kev - yeah man, that is exactly what I had my eyes on!
I'm just back from Prague! Had the "Big Light Head" which is a special consisting of BOTH the eggplant quesadilla AND grilled vegetable kebabs!

I just couldn't choose. It was immense.
I used some 3 year Wisconsin Cheddar and the 1000-day aged Gouda I bought today to make another quesadilla

also put in spinach and cremini mushrooms

I bought the wheat tortillas fresh from the store today, unsurprisingly they taste 100000000000000000x better than the prepackaged ones I usually buy.

My manager and her bf came over for dinner last night:

Eggplant Parmesan, home-made Pesto baked chicken, and punchanella salad; veggies, alot of fresh herbs, roasted pine nuts and motzarella.
Served with Olive-herb bread and Chianti Riserva wine.

commenting on the original thread:

cg kevin. isnt it awesome how taste can change? like 4 years ago i hated all stronger cheeses, coffee and olives. pretty awesome to start liking these things <3 .. still hate mushrooms tho... hope i'll get over it some day
I also believe your taste buds change with age, although that's just personal experience as opposed to having any empirical data.
Just made some steak sandwich type dealios with grilled peppers, onions, and mushrooms. They were ace.

I think one thing that's helped me get down with onions is chopping and preparing them myself. I've never really been into the frozen bags of vegetable mixes, or pre-chopped veggie packs and things of the sort. It's really nice to know EXACTLY what's going into my gut. I'm still pretty picky, I'm the type that chops around bruised spots in veggies and funky vein type shit in chicken and what-not.
This thread is inspiring me to give mushrooms another try, just to be certain that I don't like 'em. Burger with mushrooms, onions, bacon, and blue cheese. I'll report back later.