

Get off my lawn
Sep 10, 2001
Upstate Va
I have noticed that a lot of you seem to listen to Cynic. After reading about them on that dictionary thing, I was interested, so I checked around. Amazon does not have any by them, and CD NOW does not have song samples. What can anybody tell me about them? What kind of music is it and are they any good???
Hmmm, they are (were) progressive, jazzy technical extreme metal. The vocalist used distorted vocals that were ok, and some weird effects on other vocal parts to make them really machine/robot like. It is fairly melodic stuff, but very technical and strange sounding. They have clean parts and distorted parts, and many of the clean parts use cool harmonies. Damn, they are really hard to describe. If i had the cd in my room I could put it on and tell you more.....

Overal they are interesting, but nothing special I don't think.
I really love Cynic, but I think the two Seans (Malone-Bass, Reinert-Drums) one upped themselves with the masterful Gordian Knot album.