Disregard that, they have a Voip system built in to the game

Also, I could probably wait, but I'll see what Caec is doing.

Caec, add me.
Okay, so ml and I played through a couple more quests. We definitely need more people, but this is enjoyable. Come on, you fags.
I didn't know what time you guys were gonna be on. I'll add you guys when I get on.

Caecius13 is my username
You played D&D at a restaurant???
Ouch dude, D&D is made for a basement.

yeah well at least we had our own room sectioned off from the rest of the restaurant like a conference room. i'd much rather play a house game but i don't know anyone who wants more players. that's why i joined this group hoping to meet some people.
Can't make it tonight. Nights are bad for me, any chance we can play early on Sundays. Perhaps around 1 or 2 pm?
Not really gonna work for me. My open times:

Monday - Friday: Midnight - 3AMish
Saturday: After 2:30 PM
Sunday: After 7ish

Sometimes (like next week) I have Thursdays off.

You're pretty ahead of us, so I guess ml and I will work on catching up and hopefully we can all play sometime soon (I'll be out of town next week).