D.t. News Update 2002-12-16


Sep 17, 2001
Terra firma
For those of you not on the mailing list...

Hi people,

we're just arrived from the very successful European tour and would like to thank everyone that in any way participated in the action; our crew, the members of Sinergy and Griffin and - of course - those of you who attended the shows and made it such a great experience for us.

So, here's what we'll be busy with in the future:

Dec 28: Moscow, Russia
Jan 10: Monterrey - City escena music hall, Mexico
Jan 11: Mexico city - Salon 21, Mexico
Jan 14: La farra del norte - Bogota, Colombia

U.S. tour with Nile, Napalm death, Strapping young lad & The berzerker:

01/17/2003 Fitzgeralds Houston, TX
01/18/2003 The Backroom Austin, TX
01/19/2003 Canyon Club Dallas, TX
01/20/2003 Club 101 El Paso, TX
01/21/2003 Bash on Ash Phoenix, Az
01/22/2003 Key Club Los Angeles, CA
01/23/2003 Galaxy Theatre Santa Ana, Ca
01/24/2003 The Pound San Francisco,C.A.
01/25/2003 Roseland Theatre Portland,Or
01/26/2003 Graceland Seattle, Wa
01/28/2003 Gothic Theatre Englewood, CO
01/30/2003 Quest Club Minneapolis, Mn
01/31/2003 Vic Theatre Chicago, IL
02/01/2003 Pop’s Sauget, IL
02/02/2003 Bogarts Cincinnatti, Oh
02/03/2003 Agora Theatre Cleveland, Oh
02/04/2003 Royal Oak Theatre Royal Oaks, MI
02/05/2003 The Intersection Grand Rapids, MI
02/07/2003 The Palladium Worcester, MA
02/08/2003 The Chance Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
02/09/2003 The Trocadero Philadelphia, P.A.
02/10/2003 Metropol Pittsburgh, P.A.
02/11/2003 B.B. Kings Blues Club New York City, N.Y.
02/12/2003 Jaxx West Springfield, VA
02/13/2003 Norva Norvolk, VA
02/14/2003 The Masquerade Atlanta, G.A.
02/15/2003 The Factory Ft. Lauderdale, FL
02/16/2003 The Masquerade Tampa, FL


Originally posted by Hedon

U.S. tour with Nile, Napalm death, Strapping young lad & The berzerker:

01/17/2003 Fitzgeralds Houston, TX
( ... )
02/16/2003 The Masquerade Tampa, FL

Spanish Tour honouring |ngenius:

- 02/17/2003 Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona

Hey, I knew that you were planning come back, but the Palau Sant Jordi thing is quite impressive. Thank you, I'm duly grateful. :p

|ng (Still dreaming)
@Niklascito: Yeah, a solo dance performance always was my dream of childhood. I will hire Rahvin and FatherVic to make chorus. (Hint: DT will pay their fee, I tell you). :grin:

@Miolo: Shut up and keep on uploading. :D

I have friends in both Moscow and Mexico. And I know for a fact that they've been longing for a DT concert for such a long time. I'm really happy for them that you guys finally make it to these two countries. Have fun there! :)
I'm not your friend but surely this gig has been expected for a long time over here and I have spent these last days spreading the news :rock: Niklas will have to give me a percentage of ticket sales :p
Originally posted by Thanatos
I'm not your friend but surely this gig has been expected for a long time over here and I have spent these last days spreading the news :rock:

Haha, but I hope you're not my foe either!!!
/me heading for the maracas and trying not to loose the rythm...

I know the solo dance our |ngenius can offer, and believe me, I better start practising, this guy it's absolutely a rythm machine :p

fathervic (dvd wannabe)
Nooo.. why!!!!????

will my luck ever change??

DT is coming to my country and the only person I know in the city where they gonna play move to my city... and the worse is that I think that i have to be at college that day!!!
:mad: :mad: :waah: :waah: