Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Wouldn't you rather our tax dollars go to providing healthcare for our fellow american's than for using money to just blow shit up in the middle east?

Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?

I mean if you are a sociopathic cunt that believes in the mentality of "fuck you got mine" aka libertarian, i can see why you don't give a shit.

Nothing can be inferred about whether or not somebody is sociopathic just because they hold libertarian views. There's nothing in those views that says "Don't help people." Essentially it just amounts to "Don't initiate force."
You are like a caricature of a libertarian. I just have to laugh at how unbelievably dumb what you think is. Referring to giving people health insurance as slavery? Being against life saving vaccines? No reasonable person would believe this.

The ignorance is on your part, sir.

Between your ignorance on the poisonous cocktail that makes up most vaccines, and the misunderstanding of basic economic principles which makes the term "giving healthcare" an absolute joke if not an outright lie, you would have my utter sympathy if not for the fact that you can vote.

And yes, as Ozz put it, if you want to kill yourself with vaccines go ahead, but forcing someone to take it puts the people being forced to comply on the level of farm animals/slaves. If you disagree then you are also ignorant of how livestock is treated, or unable to draw the logical parallel.

Koude has mistakenly bought into the "left-right" paradigm by his assumption that someone against universal healthcare must be a "conservative" (Republican) and therefore wants the money (which we don't have anyway) to be spent on war.
False assumption. I am for the entire dismantlement of our foreign bases and bringing all troops back onto US soil. We can't afford our "world police (bully)" foreign policy just like we can't afford to hand a paycheck and healthcare to every bum who doesn't deserve it, or to force it on people who don't want it.

"Don't you want to help people?" is not even an issue. The issue is deficit spending and government control of an area they have no Constitutional right to enter. Taxes wouldn't have to be raised, but something would have to be cut elsewhere, but then a lot of shit needs to be cut and isn't. Taxes will be raised, but it won't matter because we are so far in the hole now we can't keep up with the interest, and the dollar is tanking faster than our foreign reserve holders can ditch it. To take on more debt someone has to buy our Tbonds, and the market for long term Tbonds is basically dead. That means we are merely printing the money to cover the deficit instead of borrowing it (HI2U runaway inflation). Of course the whole concept of running anything from a lemonade stand to a country on a deficit is beyond insane, yet the cookiecutter's of the world think credit devices are magic money trees instead of black holes for wealth. As long as financial insanity like that is allowed, the country and it's average inhabitants will remain broke.

Hell, more and more states I am passing through can't even afford to keep REST AREAS open anymore. How much fucking money does a rest area cost to maintain? But we can afford a trillion dollar healthcare overhaul and to keep over a hundred foreign bases going. OMG it's late or I could keep going on this. Fucking economic ignorance and insanity by both the "left" and the "right".

Even India is smarter than the West, at least in economics. They bought 200 tons of gold. We are printing monopoly money.
Actually i didn't accuse anyone of being for "war" but the fact remains is we spend so much money on war, these are our tax dollars here. I would think people would rather our taxes go to helping our own citizens instead of for unnecessary wars. People that don't have health insurance are forced to use emergency rooms for care, this drives up the cost of healthcare and who pays for it? Everyone does. If you don't think our tax dollars should be used for health care, then what should our taxes be used for? Are you as a libertarian okay with the fact that this country provides zero safty nets? Or do you really believe that everyone should be able to bootstrap?

just like we can't afford to hand a paycheck and healthcare to every bum who doesn't deserve it

can you elaborate on this? Who exactly doesn't deserve health care? It's disgusting that people think this way.

Also, how do you suppose we fix health care? Do you give a shit that 30 million american's aren't able to get health care? Do you believe it's their fault for not having it?
Also, how do you suppose we fix health care?

I'm not going to answer for him but as far as I'm concerned we could start by getting the state out of it, something which already distorts prices and quality without the free market having a damn thing to do with it. Are liberal fags really this unimaginative?

Do you give a shit that 30 million american's aren't able to get health care? Do you believe it's their fault for not having it?

The fact that there are millions of people without health care (which is misleading anyway since what we should really be talking about in this context is health insurance) says nothing about why those millions "don't have health care." Merely throwing numbers at us ain't gonna work.
I am one of those without health care, and it's not because I can't afford it. If I didn't want private healthcare, I surely don't want a government run version. Government run anything is a model of inefficiancy.

It's not the responsibility of Gov't to provide safety nets. If you want to provide a safety net for locals then get together with some other well meaning people and start a charity or foundation. Other people in other locales can do likewise. But that would involve not being lazy and having to do something "yourself" then wouldn't it? ("Yourself" applying to all "bleeding heart" liberals)

It's not a "safety net" if it's long term. It's a way of life, and that is what government handouts have become to the majority of people on them, and we can't afford it. Even if we could, we are doing more harm than good by sustaining no strings unchecked charity. It creates dependency, not independence.
Also, as far as health care goes, if you can't see that UHC is being pushed to the benefit of Big Pharma, you need to keep looking.

Pharmacuetical products are by and large, various levels and types of poison. They cure nothing, and they required continued use. Why would I want to support "legal" drugs? Hemp is much better for you than anything Merck and friends produce, and I don't smoke marijuana either.
...by the House. The Senate still has to pass it, and it probably won't go through as easily there.
There's nothing arbitrary about it unless my moral foundations are incorrect (even that's not quite correct), and that's still not to say that I arrived at my conclusions arbitrarily.

The bottom line is that we fundamentally disagree on how a government should be organized. You believe that a government should be no larger than is necessary (or am I wrong?). I believe that a government should be only as large as is beneficial, which could theoretically be 5 times as large as necessary. Obviously this does not apply to real life examples.

Also, interesting to see Koude Haat posting in this thread.