Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

He was resisting the officers and carrying on like a jackass, trying to rile people up. That dumb fuck got what he deserved.
Resisting arrest? He shouldn't have been arrested to begin with - even if he was being a total jackass.

edit: The whole point of the q&a is to ask questions that question, and seeing as the questions themselves are supposed to reflect the opinions and ideals of people within the political climate, I see no reason to why the man was escorted fromthe mic (or had his mic cut to begin with).

The police also shouldn't have over-reacted in such a way; I hope their badges are taken away.

I do agree that the guy was acting like a ponce, but frankly he didn't do anything except ask a few questions. There was no reason for two officers to take him away from the microphone after it had already been cut. There was also certainly no need to taser him - even if he was resisting, other methods could have been used. There wasn't even a need for officers to interfere...

I agree he acted like a ponce, I agree he shouldn't have resisted when the officers took him; however, I also don't think the officers should have been there in the first place, and that excessive force was used when they appeared. The guy was freaked out, and for good reason too.


I shall now turn to a new topic to stop cluttering this forum...counting only you and I are even talking about it.
Resisting arrest? He shouldn't have been arrested to begin with - even if he was being a total jackass.

One does not need to be arrested to "resist arrest".

And, yes, it was appropriate for him to be escorted away by police, since he obviously had no intention of settling himself down or responding to anything other than force. If this guy was as reasonable as you seem to think he was, he wouldn't have done anything to cause the police to use the tazer on him.
Well...that's why it's just called resistance. Resisting arrest would have implied he was being arrested...which actually ended up happening.

Nec already brought this up.
Lets play semantics then.

Resisting arrest.
Resisting = resistance =
1. the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding.
2. the opposition offered by one thing, force, etc., to another.

1. to seize (a person) by legal authority or warrant; take into custody: The police arrested the burglar.
2. to catch and hold; attract and fix; engage: The loud noise arrested our attention.

so it turns out that resisting arrest....actually means you are opposing being taken into custody by legal authority! HOLY SHIT!
That's not what "Resisting Arrest" means, bud. That's what it sounds like it should mean but what it actually means is "Resisting an Officer". I know this because my brother is a police officer and I was confused about this same thing.

"Arrest anyone today?"
"For what?"
"Resisting arrest"
"What did he do to get arrested in the first place?"
"What were you arresting him for when he resisted arrest?"
"Nothing. I was responding to a call and I asked him to step outside and he refused. If a cop tells you to do something and you don't do it, that's resisting arrest".

Cop asks you to step out of the car and you refuse, that's resisting arrest. Cop ask you to walk a few feet down the block with him and you refuse, that's resisting arrest. And so on.