Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

You can think what you want, but if every safety organization says this:

Then it really isn't a grounded factual opinion.

I should have been specific. It's a 2004 Element. They have changed a lot since then.

Again, this not only has nothing to do with the argument & it's just not true; no strawmen were created or injured in the process of my posting. I stated I wasn't sure what you meant by power requirements, so I brought up an additional two examples that I thought it might have referred too and answered them one by one.

Dakryn said:
My issue is distance on a charge, charging times, and corresponding output power.

If this is what you were originally referring to when talking about power, I already answered this with stats.

In time, I have no doubt an engine will be made, it all just depends on the group who is working on it and what kind of funding. I showed that they do have powerful engines, but yes, currently I haven't seen anything electric that would have the towing capacity of a diesel truck.

Stop assuming every "urbanite" as you put it has the ability to travel as they please - they don't, and this is one of a few main reasons public transportation exists. The fact of the matter is that they have trains that cross the country in most areas, and as I stated, if you live very far away, there are some things that should definitely be reconsidered about either the living location or work situation - I'm not arguing the point that people are stupid for living far away from urban sprawls or that they shouldn't, but for someone whose goal is to save more money than they spend... well, variables need to be gone over. As a side note, they already have better batteries, but a few major auto companies have the rights and are refusing to make them right now... such a shame.

And when we talk about military grade, it's not like they can't gather a few engineer's and create a vehicle capable of holding one or more batteries (which in turn would greatly increase the drive time of the vehicle) - of course though if they need a heavy duty diesel, well there are no alternatives, but if it is a moderate sized vehicle that doesn't require the ability to tow a big rig, then there shouldn't be a problem (specially if it is just for crossing American soil, combat situations are vastly different so there is always room to argue for or against a certain type of vehicle).

Just going to lump all this in together since I think the main problem here is we are looking at this from completely different angles.
#1. The stats you posted do not do anything other than show that for the average daily commuter, charging overnight would suffice. (This doesn't address the eventual memory of batteries, unless something has been done to fix this common issue with rechargable batteries. IE: The battery brand new allows for 300 miles between charges, but if I use it 30 miles a day most days and then charge back to full, eventually the battery is only good for 30 miles.)

I want a vehicle that is good in as many situations as possible, not just the main function. What I meant by mentioning my travel in correlation with the military wasn't to bring up military grade vehicles, but to point out that due to job changes, or visiting relatives, or business meetings, etc., people have to travel more than 2-300 miles quite often, and having to budget in an extra hour (minimum) every 3-5 hours is not cool. Now if parking lots had little pay-metered electric outlets at every spot, that might work but damn it will take forever for that to happen.

I said that doesn't matter to the situation with electric cars; the only degree that exists between the electric car and the middle east is America's auto companies not wanting to switch product. Oil prices will ultimately rise as the planet runs out though.

You are mixing two distinct agendas. There is the private profit agenda of the oil companies and auto companies (with mutual backscratching). Hybrids aside, oil product fuled engines could be much more efficient than they are.

The political agenda behind the lack of government backing for any kind of public support infrastructure for electric autos is something else. The oil companies are big donaters, and the current oil exporting states are nearly all "bad guys". We need the "bad guys" to give an excuse to set up bases around Russia and China.
Yesterday according to Al Jazeera:


Yesterday according to CNN:

The most important items on the bill don't take effect until 2014. Not sure if that was more to leave time to raise funds or just to give people an excuse to vote Democrat in 2012. :lol:

At any rate, one of the immediate-effect provisions is that children can stay on their parents' insurance policies until age 26, which could help me out a lot - assuming that isn't just an excuse for Anthem to downgrade my parents' coverage or some shit.
So, we all know the Republican Party is a joke, but... their website right now takes the joke to a whole new level. :lol:


Just wow.

Also, I love how even on their own website they can't even get the facts right
G.O.P. said:
..government-run health care experiment and its funding for abortion.

It doesn't, that was one of the concessions the Dems did in the beginning in order to try to move that clusterfuck of twats into bipartisanship. Needless to say it didn't work.

And seriously, it's not the final nail in the coffin. The final nail hit in the 50's when god fearing idiots rose a shitstorm and started blacklisting everyone. That fear that gripped the parties then exists today in the most extreme cases of paranoia. A socialist health care system will not spell the end of America. The ONE thing to worry about is bad implementation, and the only people that spouted that argument were a very small number of Dems and Republicans - the rest focused on OH NO SOCIALISM = NAZI COMMUNISM AND THAT NOT WHAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS BLAH BLAH BLAH HOT AIR UP MY ASS.

The other problem is that we live in a republic that is dominated by two parties; the specific example being the republicans correlating their idiocy into mass movements to discredit the rest of the administration while fillibustering every fucking piece of legislation they could because they're wankers. The Democrats for being prickless fucks.
America needs to get down-sized, or just deport all the rednecks