Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Most countries have absolved the gay/straight thing and shown there are no adverse effects to housing homo's and hetero's together.

And seriously, it's not like a straight dude is going to wake up and find his dick being sucked in his bunk, or that his faggy homeboy is going to limp-wrist the enemy into exhaustion instead of using his penile replacement (the M4). Most guys swear that gays in a public shower are just DYING to get a look at their sweet dong... it doesn't work like that at all guys - sorry.
odder yet that no one has connected the immeadiate climate change that occured when dramatic industrialization, fossil fuel usage and deforestation was ramped up in third world countries... its OK though so long as gays get to bunk with the boys
Still doesn't explain your bizarre point that gay men living in close quarters with straight men would inevitably lead to (obviously unwanted) sexual advances from the homosexual to the male.

have you been exposed much to this situation ? I have not much but thus far the advancement rate is 100%, thereby leaving me of the impression that gays are very aggressive. It also makes me question what girls go through with men, I sure have heard plenty of stories.
have you been exposed much to this situation ? I have not much but thus far the advancement rate is 100%, thereby leaving me of the impression that gays are very aggressive. It also makes me question what girls go through with men, I sure have heard plenty of stories.

This sounds totally believable and not like absolute bullshit.

Nice try at insulting my intelligence though.

Pessimism's post is good, btw. Other countries have done away with this silliness, yet the religious right of America is keeping us behind the times as fucking usual. Good job guys. You sure know how to suck. I'm sure Dakryn, however, has done his own research on this and found some ludicrous, ham-fisted study that positively links consumed "toxins" (aka harmless additive chemicals found in prepared food, etc.) found solely in American food to the rise of the effeminate gay man. :erk:
Well no shit they're behind the US, they don't have the money and the resources that we do, but the mere fact that so many of them allow gays to serve is pretty astounding.
So, the more advanced the military is, the less likely they are to allow gays to openly serve? That's a pretty nonsensical correlation you've developed there Dakryn.
I had to share a room with a gay Marine. He didn't admit he was gay, but it was fairly obvious. Long story short, he was a horrible Marine, although he had great hygiene.

I'm not really picking sides here on this debate, because I think it's a pretty dumb one. If the government decided to allow gays to join the military openly, I'd probably be a little bothered by it but that's all. I know quite a few gay people and I have no problems with them.

Military personnel don't report shit to their chain of command just to get people in trouble, which is what I loved about the Marines. We handled it ourselves. If you've got a problem with someone else, you take care of it and that's it. But this issue would be a little more tricky. There would probably be some sort of mini-revolt by current military personnel. If you are a homophobe, how exactly would you approach your chain? What exactly would you say? I can tell you right now, if I went up to my platoon sergeant and was like, "Sergeant, I don't want to room with soandso because he's a fag, and I hate fags." You know what he's going to say? He's going to tell you to shut the fuck up and deal with it. And you know what's going to happen next? Some hardcore harassment/assaults because of the situation.

Obviously that's a generalization, but I've seen shit like this happen because of lesser "issues."
So was it an awkward experience living with him?

edit: I guess you kinda answered that in your edit
Military personnel don't report shit to their chain of command just to get people in trouble, which is what I loved about the Marines. We handled it ourselves. If you've got a problem with someone else, you take care of it and that's it. But this issue would be a little more tricky. There would probably be some sort of mini-revolt by current military personnel. If you are a homophobe, how exactly would you approach your chain? What exactly would you say? I can tell you right now, if I went up to my platoon sergeant and was like, "Sergeant, I don't want to room with soandso because he's a fag, and I hate fags." You know what he's going to say? He's going to tell you to shut the fuck up and deal with it. And you know what's going to happen next? Some hardcore harassment/assaults because of the situation.

Isn't that basically what blacks had to go through during integration? Sure there are always a few meatheads who will react violently to change, but that's kinda a growing pain when it comes to advancements in minority rights/recognition.
So was it an awkward experience living with him?

Nope, not at all. He was a nice guy and he knew I knew he was but I didn't speak a word of it, no real point in mentioning it because it was a non-issue in my book. We became pretty good friends, he even let me borrow his car a few times to go fuck my girlfriend (not in his car, but to take her to a hotel for the weekend) :lol:. But I wasn't a typical "Marine." A lot of those guys are very insensitive and probably would have a problem with living with a gay person.

Like I said, I wouldn't really care that much either way, but the military is all about history and tradition, especially the Marine Corps, and I think it would cause more problems than it would solve.
Isn't that basically what blacks had to go through during integration? Sure there are always a few meatheads who will react violently to change, but that's kinda a growing pain when it comes to advancements in minority rights/recognition.

Yeah, you're probably right. I dunno man, it could go either way honestly. I think with the younger generations being exposed to homosexuality more would work in its benefit. It makes sense anyways. The only real way of knowing is to just do it; expect the worst, hope for the best.

edit: I guess I should explain why he was a horrible Marine before someone brings up the fact that I became friends with him.

Poor standards as far as physical fitness goes. He didn't care about the military, which made me question why he even joined in the first place. He had a problem with authority and never took orders well. He wasn't knowledgeable in his job. Etc.
I can understand where you're coming from with many of the marines being uncomfortable, but it's not worth perpetuating something that is truly unfair because it might make some homophobes uncomfortable. I think this is especially important because these are people who are volunteering to help our country and if they are capable, they should be allowed to do so.
So you never woke up with a random man's maw firmly fixated on your hefty genitals King?

Gays are doing it all wrong these days.