Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I am contributing to the solution.

Yea, being a paranoid retard on the internet is the catalyst for change.

Overpopulationists are the ultimate hypocrites, and I refuse to discuss this with you since you don't actually personally do anything about the "problem".

Also, you cunt, as has been discussed by me a few times previously, specifically in the uni/school thread, I am a PhD student in bioengineering and my specific field of study is within biocatalysis. Since I am willing to bet you have no fucking clue what that is, it can be boiled down to speeding up the process of making man-made organic compounds. Basically, getting more out of already highly stressed, energergized processes. Getting more bang for your buck out of resources. I deal mainly with something called chiral synthesis. Remember when I pointed out that one of the major problems with overpopulation was that it placed a heavy burden on resources?

So the next time you open your fucking mouth to lecture me about not doing anything about an issue, be very fucking careful about what you say or else you're going to look like an even bigger ignorant asshole that you look right now. I'm a vet too. It's no excuse to go around being a judgemental, ignorant shit.
Yea, being a paranoid retard on the internet is the catalyst for change.

Also, you cunt, as has been discussed by me a few times previously, specifically in the uni/school thread, I am a PhD student in bioengineering and my specific field of study is within biocatalysis. Since I am willing to bet you have no fucking clue what that is, it can be boiled down to speeding up the process of making man-made organic compounds. Basically, getting more out of already highly stressed, energergized processes. Getting more bang for your buck out of resources. I deal mainly with something called chiral synthesis. Remember when I pointed out that one of the major problems with overpopulation was that it placed a heavy burden on resources?

So the next time you open your fucking mouth to lecture me about not doing anything about an issue, be very fucking careful about what you say or else you're going to look like an even bigger ignorant asshole that you look right now. I'm a vet too. It's no excuse to go around being a judgemental, ignorant shit.

So you are looking for/learning more ways to fuck up nature. Congrats. You aren't just part of the problem, but given what you just told me,a member of the worst group of earth-rapers, and no amount of attaboying in this thread changes that. Also, none of this has anything to do with Alex Jones (who is just one more disinfo artist).

Regarding rhetoric: you are doing the exact same thing I am, but from the "opposite side of the street". Calling me ignorant, self-righteous, or judgemental is at best, the pot talking to the kettle.
Unfortunately I don't think there are any figures to show how much food ends up unconsumed in a dumpster, or rots in UN warehouses. Those would be the first stats to start with.

OK, what about the irrefutable fact that the world oil supply is on it's downward curve? We've used over 50% of it. And there is no infrastructure in place anywhere to convert fully to natural gas, electrical, or whatever else. There never will be either, because the amount of funding and skilled labor needed does not exist. No amount of management can tackle all these issues for nearly 10 billion people. I'm not going to get ugly with you like others on this page, but I'm afraid you don't see the big picture.
Yes. All scientists. Because that's what I said. :rolleyes:

OK, what about the irrefutable fact that the world oil supply is on it's downward curve? We've used over 50% of it. And there is no infrastructure in place anywhere to convert fully to natural gas, electrical, or whatever else. There never will be either, because the amount of funding and skilled labor needed does not exist. No amount of management can tackle all these issues for nearly 10 billion people. I'm not going to get ugly with you like others on this page, but I'm afraid you don't see the big picture.

Which supports decentralization. You are proving my point for me.
Tell me what it is I do.

I can put Bioengineering or Biocatalyst into google and get a fountain of information telling me what you are attempting to tamper with. Bioengineering as general field has yeilded us things like GMO crops, which are/will be directly responsible for the death of millions/billions. Biocatalyst work has recently been seized on by poison producers peddlers such as Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, etc. to make more lethal poisons.

So I was wrong. You are doing something to decrease the population. Just doing it from the elitist viewpoint of "everyone else needs to die first" though.

The folks at Wikileaks are being blatently hostile towards the US now, IMO.


I don't know why anyone is paying Wikileaks any attention. The information is obviously harmless to the real interests of the US government or it wouldn't make it out into the light of day.
We aren't trying to solve overpopulation, we are trying to solve mismanagement, and decentralization will solve much by default. Centralization is extremely wasteful in transportation costs alone. Purely speaking from a food standpoint, the majority of technology that is employed to "improve" food production is destroying long term food production and destroying nutrition density in the short term and long term.
We aren't trying to solve overpopulation, we are trying to solve mismanagement, and decentralization will solve much by default. Centralization is extremely wasteful in transportation costs alone. Purely speaking from a food standpoint, the majority of technology that is employed to "improve" food production is destroying long term food production and destroying nutrition density in the short term and long term.

Are you talking about organic food vs processed/engineered food? Either way, there is not enough to go around for people to be properly nourished. Now if you want people's life expectancies to drop to about 25, then sure, we can feed a world population of 50 billion, no problem.

Now, another attempt to change the subject:
The "freedoms" awarded us by globalization:
I don't know why anyone is paying Wikileaks any attention. The information is obviously harmless to the real interests of the US government or it wouldn't make it out into the light of day.

what does this even mean :rolleyes:

Biocatalyst work has recently been seized on by poison producers peddlers such as Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, etc. to make more lethal poisons.

Are you talking about organic food vs processed/engineered food? Either way, there is not enough to go around for people to be properly nourished. Now if you want people's life expectancies to drop to about 25, then sure, we can feed a world population of 50 billion, no problem.

Since the majority of currently starving people in the world live in Africa (which has plenty of farmland), millions of square miles of undeveloped land elsewhere in the world, there are possibilies. But it would require a return to some former ways of life (which currently no one wants to do), which some theories indicate will happen anyway.

My concern is that before we can return to more wholistic living, that companies like Monsanto (probably Der Morg's dream job) will have polluted the all of the original plants and we will have no natural seed producing grains/vegetables left without eradicating them all and then breaking into the "Doomsday Vault".

Now, another attempt to change the subject:
The "freedoms" awarded us by globalization:

Blame drug laws.

what does this even mean :rolleyes:


It means I am fairly certain those "leaks" are on purpose.

Regarding your laughter: Recreational drugs far less likely to kill you than prescribed drugs