Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Hey Dak, I'm curious ( and I'm not being condescending ) what did you major in and study in college?

Right or wrong you seem to have a varied opinion on almost everything political. I always thought you were a political science major.
My work has nothing to do with GM foods or pharmaceuticals, dakryn. Try again.

On a side note, despite the legitimate criticisms leveled against GM crops, their affect on reducing soil tillage and decreasing the use in irrigation has been proven many-times over. Monansto? My dream job? Yea, maybe if I wanted to kill myself.
Since the majority of currently starving people in the world live in Africa (which has plenty of farmland), millions of square miles of undeveloped land elsewhere in the world, there are possibilies. But it would require a return to some former ways of life (which currently no one wants to do), which some theories indicate will happen anyway.

My concern is that before we can return to more wholistic living, that companies like Monsanto (probably Der Morg's dream job) will have polluted the all of the original plants and we will have no natural seed producing grains/vegetables left without eradicating them all and then breaking into the "Doomsday Vault".

Exactly. The whole purpose of civilization is to progress. Having to give up on information technology and other modern conveniences to concentrate more on efficient food production in the name of sustaining a world population in the tens of billions is the opposite of progress.

Blame drug laws.

And Thomas Friedman's "golden straight jacket". If you want foreign investment, apparently you have to kill off the unattractive poor.

It means I am fairly certain those "leaks" are on purpose.

Regarding your laughter: Recreational drugs far less likely to kill you than prescribed drugs

Of course the leaks are on purpose, but not because of ulterior, motives of the purposes of distraction. People associated with the gov't leaked the info for their own personal gain (revenge, monetary gain, etc.)
BTW, I thought everyone knew that p h a r m a c e u t i c s are more harmful than street drugs (with the exception of meth, which is synthesized from a p h a r m a c e u t i c a l.)
Exactly. The whole purpose of civilization is to progress. Having to give up on information technology and other modern conveniences to concentrate more on efficient food production in the name of sustaining a world population in the tens of billions is the opposite of progress.

But we have to define a purpose, and technological progress at the expense of life is not progress (imo).
Currently everyone is merely living to amass the most toys and/or accolades they can, and for what?

Of course the leaks are on purpose, but not because of ulterior, motives of the purposes of distraction. People associated with the gov't leaked the info for their own personal gain (revenge, monetary gain, etc.)

I doubt it. None of the info leaked (at least of what I have read over) is anything that can't be easily speculated and or discovered through some quick google searches about the people or topics in question, wikileaks aside.

BTW, I thought everyone knew that p h a r m a c e u t i c s are more harmful than street drugs (with the exception of meth, which is synthesized from a p h a r m a c e u t i c a l.)

The actual information inside was that properly prescribed prescription drugs are a leading cause of death in the US, and that is not including deaths through misdiagnosis and improperly prescribed drugs.

The risk taken to merely alleviate symptoms is, in short, stupid, and yes, I can call pharma companies "poison peddlers".

@Der Morg: Regardless of whether or not you are working directly on anything involving GM crops or pharma, you are studying/working in that field/subfields (bioengineering/biocatalyst) and therefore a part of that group(which is what I said).

So what if GM crops have reduced soil tillage and irrigation? These are NOT GOOD THINGS. GM crops are synthetics, not organic, and the things that eat crops are organic, not synthetic. They are, and will have more, unintended (or intended, depending on how "tinfoil-ly" you want to get) affects, the least of which being deteriorating health in consumers whose bodies will not be able to process them correctly.

There is a huge difference between, say, finding new fuel sources (IE: burning things) and messing life itself.

@Jimmy: I am like 2 Math classes from having an Associates in Science (yeah I know, that's nothing), but joined the Marine Corps and haven't finished.

I have spent countless hours though doing personal reading in the last 5 years on history and politics from most angles. University education is overrated, since you are at the mercy of the instructor's bias and sources. I much prefer finding out new viewpoints and then doing independent research as I can.

If I ever do have the time to take advantage of my GI Bill, I highly doubt I would major in politics or history, since neither one give you any actual skills. Politics is the art of bullshit, and history is the record of events given/approved by the winning bullshit-ers.
So what if GM crops have reduced soil tillage and irrigation? These are NOT GOOD THINGS.

Logic fail there, dakyrn. Take some agri courses and get back to me.

Over tillage of soil is the issue. Soil tillage is required to rotate nutrients. Over rotation reduces the entire purpose of tillage to begin with. Reduced water use for irrigation is self-explanatory in terms of benefits.
But we have to define a purpose, and technological progress at the expense of life is not progress (imo).
Currently everyone is merely living to amass the most toys and/or accolades they can, and for what?

Bullshit. I want my laser pistol and my flying car.

I doubt it. None of the info leaked (at least of what I have read over) is anything that can't be easily speculated and or discovered through some quick google searches about the people or topics in question, wikileaks aside.

Of course a great deal of that information that the media is reporting is easily researched by the layman. What I wanted to know was what sort of paranoid plot you had cooked up as to why this information was being "leaked" in the first place.

The actual information inside was that properly prescribed prescription drugs are a leading cause of death in the US, and that is not including deaths through misdiagnosis and improperly prescribed drugs.

Not that I disagree, but source please.

The risk taken to merely alleviate symptoms is, in short, stupid, and yes, I can call pharma companies "poison peddlers".

Of course a great deal of that information that the media is reporting is easily researched by the layman. What I wanted to know was what sort of paranoid plot you had cooked up as to why this information was being "leaked" in the first place.

As a distraction, and to allow for policing of the internet to stop "information terrorists".

Not that I disagree, but source please.

The sources were all referenced in that article.

What may be obvious to some, apparently isn't obvious to all. *cough V5* Of course, he may have a bias, working for Walgreens ;)

Logic fail there, dakyrn. Take some agri courses and get back to me.

Over tillage of soil is the issue. Soil tillage is required to rotate nutrients. Over rotation reduces the entire purpose of tillage to begin with. Reduced water use for irrigation is self-explanatory in terms of benefits.

Over tillage is a problem. But the only real solution is to let the land rest, and tilling the plant remains back into the soil. GM Crops are just further raping the earth while temporarily masking the symptoms. Plants that need less water also will be less nutritious. Bottom line, GM is synthetic (fake), and humans/animals are not.

I don't want to risk sounding like Dak here, but I think that Alex Jones may be on to something here. Assange seems to much like the Hollywood-created evil European genius terrorist (al la Die Hard) to be real; he's almost like a character. And this supposed encrypted "doomsday file" sounds like yet another bad plot device from a cheesy Hollywood action-drama.

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The "Doomsday code" is more than likely nothing more than the entire collection of cables and leaks that wikileaks has gathered so far. Hell, a number of goons have the .aec file (or whatever it is) and are just waiting for the password. It's entirely possible that it is just an archive (much like a .rar or .zip). Hell, it might even just be a torrent pooling list to gather the files.

It's very doubtful that Assange is an artificially created agent. And frankly, unless serious proof is brought up, I would assume that statement to be bullshit.

THAT being said, the government(s) are seriously fucked/fucking up. From the blocking of Ron Paul's transparency bill, to physical proof that the U.S. is pushing Sweden around in order to influence its laws. The rape case is bullshit and everyone knows it. The real question right now is who is moving the strings in the current extradition case.

edit: I do find it funny that when Assange's accounts started accepting monetary donations for his current bail, Mastercard and Visa were authorizing the transferences. I heard a few minutes ago that they have already pulled out for moral reasons; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the next cable leak that is coming out has the financial institution in its sights?
I feel REALLY bad for private Manning however... god knows what the hell is going to happen to him.
The "Doomsday code" is more than likely nothing more than the entire collection of cables and leaks that wikileaks has gathered so far. Hell, a number of goons have the .aec file (or whatever it is) and are just waiting for the password. It's entirely possible that it is just an archive (much like a .rar or .zip). Hell, it might even just be a torrent pooling list to gather the files.

It's very doubtful that Assange is an artificially created agent. And frankly, unless serious proof is brought up, I would assume that statement to be bullshit.

THAT being said, the government(s) are seriously fucked/fucking up. From the blocking of Ron Paul's transparency bill, to physical proof that the U.S. is pushing Sweden around in order to influence its laws. The rape case is bullshit and everyone knows it. The real question right now is who is moving the strings in the current extradition case.

edit: I do find it funny that when Assange's accounts started accepting monetary donations for his current bail, Mastercard and Visa were authorizing the transferences. I heard a few minutes ago that they have already pulled out for moral reasons; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the next cable leak that is coming out has the financial institution in its sights?

Timothy McVeigh and Al Qaeda (to name just a couple of examples) were/are CIA created terrorists. Why not Assange?

I don't know how you can look at everything else fucked up the Govt is doing and draw the line at creating it's own "bad guys" to fight.

Edit: Huxley has obviously trumped Orwell, and you don't need to look at Saudi Arabia for proof.
What may be obvious to some, apparently isn't obvious to all. *cough V5* Of course, he may have a bias, working for Walgreens ;)

:lol: yes, because where I work dictates what I believe and I am a mindless drone who can't think about things critically/logically. You're a troll br0.

I agree with you that a lot of drugs are over-prescribed, useless/placebo effect/not enough studies done to warrant FDA approval (part of why the FDA sucks sometimes) or are just very dangerous in a way that has not been adequately studied in clinical trials...but c'mon man. Drugs that have gone generic which help people who have a family/genetic history of heart disease are actually drugs that are useful (of course, in conjunction with a healthy[er] diet, etc.); including things like lisinopril, simvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin and verapamil among many others.

Dakryn said:
The risk taken to merely alleviate symptoms is, in short, stupid, and yes, I can call pharma companies "poison peddlers".

Alleviating symptoms of a disease or condition not necessarily self-inflicted through life decisions =/= poison, you're a sensationalist idiot.
Healthy living will correct the overwhelming majority of problems drugs aside, and there are herbs that handle the rest. Pharma likes to take ingredients from herbs and pretend like they made something new. Ditch the middle man and his synthetic, overpriced snake oil.
Healthy living will correct the overwhelming majority of problems drugs aside, and there are herbs that handle the rest. Pharma likes to take ingredients from herbs and pretend like they made something new. Ditch the middle man and his synthetic, overpriced snake oil.

I agree with this 1,000,000 percent. Big pharma produces drugs that heal only the symptoms, which are all modern doctors care about fixing, not the underlying issues which cause these symptoms. These drugs do more harm than good, their purpose is to make the drug companies' tons of money and to make drug dependent patients.

Most medical ailments can be solved, not treated, by the use of biologically identical hormones, vitamin, herbal and mineral supplementation and a nutritionally balanced diet ie; no aspartame, processed and enriched foods etc.
I agree with this 1,000,000 percent. Big pharma produces drugs that heal only the symptoms, which are all modern doctors care about fixing, not the underlying issues which cause these symptoms. These drugs do more harm than good, their purpose is to make the drug companies' tons of money and to make drug dependent patients.

Most medical ailments can be solved, not treated, by the use of biologically identical hormones, vitamin, herbal and mineral supplementation and a nutritionally balanced diet ie; no aspartame, processed and enriched foods etc.

I'm kind of proud of you/surprised for saying this tbh.

I do believe taking a good multi-vitamin is important. Preferably one that is free of chemicals, wheat, corn, egg, yeast, milk and soy.

I also take fish oil (An all natural brand), an anti-oxidant blend, magnesium, tons of Vitamin C, L-Taurine, CoQ10 and every once in a while an herbal blend that helps stimulate brain function. Fish oil especially has many added benefits, including relief of ADHD.