Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I work at a natural food store so naturally most of the stuff there doesn't have that shit. Drinking a Virgil's rootbeer right now, tastes good man, real sugar.

That word sounds so fucking awesome.
I agree Dakryn, flavor enhancers including monosodium glutamate, disodium guanylate and sodium inosinate are in pretty much anything with salt nowadays, but there haven't been any controlled studies that demonstrate any long term effects, good or bad, on human beings, so until there are I don't think I really give too much of a shit. I understand people being leery about what they put into their bodies, and I have no doubt that in 50+ years (i.e. in my lifetime), they will discover many ingredients practices that the FDA glossed over or allowed negligently due to tunnelvision, but I don't really give too much of a shit overall, as previously mentioned. Also, all of these things are naturally occurring; they are not synthesized. MSG, for instance, is the salt form of glutamic acid, which used to be derived from wheat gluten. This practice, however, was changed to the Celiac friendly bacterial fermentation method.

HFCS most definitely could be argued as a factor contributing to higher blood glucose levels, and eventually diabetes by extension, but again, lack of controlled studies (from actual credible scientific sources, not your conspiratorial hootenanny) keeps me cynical.

Also, preservatives aren't just put into processed/packaged food for absolutely no reason; they allow the food to be preserved for when it is actually eaten, allowing its shelf life to be extended far beyond what it used to be. Of course, it could be (and will be, by you) argued that this is mainly done to reduce cost overheads by manufacturers who are either unaware or uncaring about the negligence and possible health risks this could cause long term, but I'm just making sure you're aware of the actual reason preservatives exist; it's not just to make food worse for you, as there is an actual reason they put them in.
I know why preservatives, as well as flavor enhancers are put in. That doesn't change the fact that they aren't fit for consumption.

One problem with modern processed food is extracting single elements from foods and then injecting them into a different mix. Natural foods were meant to been consumed as a whole, not as individual elements. We lose the original benefits of nature's synergy.
Source: Nation

Senator Bernie Sanders, who has promised to do "whatever it takes" to block the deal President Obama cut to extend tax breaks for billionaires and create a sweeping estate-tax exemption for millionaires, began to wage what he said could be called a "filibuster" on the floor of the Senate Friday.
After Sanders took the rostrum at 10:24 a.m. Friday, the Vermont Independent posted a message on his his twitter account that read: "You can call what I am doing today whatever you want, you call it a filibuster, you can call it a very long speech..."
For all the excitement, Sanders was not actually blocking a vote on the tax deal. The Senate will not take the issue up until Monday, at the earliest.
Sanders was, however, sending a powerful signal about the fight to come.
Then, on Friday, eight Senate Democrats told Majority Leader Harry Reid that they want to amend the deal to cap tax breaks for the rich and protect Social Security.
In a letter circulated by Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley and Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, the senators said: "We have grave misgivings about the recent tax agreement. We hope that the Senate can improve on it. We look forward to working with you to ensure a vote on our amendment to strengthen Social Security in lieu of bonus tax cuts for people who are doing quite well."

Read more: http://www.thenation.com/blog/157038/sanders-filibuster...

They also offered an outline for a plan that would to restore tax rates on income over $1 million per year to the Clinton-era rates, and to dedicate the resulting revenues to shoring up the Social Security trust fund.
But the letter gives Reid a bargaining chip. He has a numbers problem. In addition to the eight signers of the letter—Merkley, Landrieu. Alaska's Mark Begich, Hawaii's Daniel Akaka, Ohio's Sherrod Brown, Minnesota's Al Franken, Colorado's Mark Udall and California's Barbara Boxer—several other members of the Senate Democratic Caucus have voiced strong objections to the agreement.

Sanders, FUCK YEAH!
^Someone is late to the party, I posted that shit in the "What are you doing thread".

I really hope CSPAN uploads the entire video, or we can get access to the archives to view it (I doubt CSPAN's ability to do anything since the front page stories both dealt with Hannah Montana smoking Slavia and some white little girl who was kidnapped).
^Someone is late to the party, I posted that shit in the "What are you doing thread".

I really hope CSPAN uploads the entire video, or we can get access to the archives to view it (I doubt CSPAN's ability to do anything since the front page stories both dealt with Hannah Montana smoking Slavia and some white little girl who was kidnapped).

I haven't been looking at the What are you doing thread, so I didn't see your post.

But anyway, Sanders along with Grayson, have great opinions on Obama expanding Bush tax cuts.

And let's hope third parties do something in 2012.