Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Internet and news sensation here atm, a fat kid that got bullied all his life finally cracked while his tormentor's mates were filming the whole thing with the intention of putting it up on youtube so that the whole world could laugh at a fat kid getting bullied. Youtube have taken it down but vimeo has it up:


Kid lays the smackdown so hard he broke the fucker's ankle apparently. :kickass:

So the fat kid got suspended, but the other one didn't? Did they not see the shrimpy kid hit him in the face?
Well I could give you more anecdotal evidence but you don't believe eyes on. European armies haven't been notabley engaged since WWII, so I can hardly pull on recent fighting performance.

If nothing else, sheer lack of experience is obvious
. NATO also gets most of its equipment and training from the US, albeit delayed, and we don't share everything, so there is your undertrained and under powered.

Only solidifying the image we have of you existing in this exquisitely constructed ignorant bubble.
Only solidifying the image we have of you existing in this exquisitely constructed ignorant bubble.

I forgot, Canadians possess copious amounts of worldly knowledge, far exceeding anything some poor southern neighbor could possibly have attained or even dreamed of.

Please enlighten all of us with your vast expertise on the current capabilites of European militaries.
What about the French Foreign Legion? I know next to nothing about them, but from what I've gathered, they seem to be capable soldiers.
I forgot, Canadians possess copious amounts of worldly knowledge, far exceeding anything some poor southern neighbor could possibly have attained or even dreamed of.

Please enlighten all of us with your vast expertise on the current capabilites of European militaries.

No, I only profess to be more enlightened than some dumbfuck ex-grunt with a permanent tinfoil hat on his head.

Current European militiaries have been involved in both humanitarian and combat excercises on a regular basis for decades post-WW2.

You seem to forget that German, French and British military forces were on a constant state of preparedness and were highly trained during the Cold War. Post Cold-War, they were involved in operations both in the Gulf, Africa and have been involved in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, since you're incredibly ignorant and/or stupid, I don't expect you to even consider any of that.

Since you take issue with homosexuals in the military, the IDF has been accepting and even very open about its endorsement of both heterosexual and homosexual recruits in it's ranks. If you somehow think the IDF is somehow suffering from professionalism and lacking the capability to carry out its duties because some queers are in it's ranks, you're even dumber than you present yourself to be.
Mathiäs;9713683 said:
So the fat kid got suspended, but the other one didn't? Did they not see the shrimpy kid hit him in the face?

Apparently they both were suspended, but the fat kid is being hailed as a hero so I doubt he'll be expelled.
That fat kid fucking rules, I hope he grows up to be some gigantic buff motherfucker who likes crushing the spirits and ankles of the worthless. Then as an added bonus, he piledrives their ego's into the concrete that it his vernacular.

Fucking slam dunk that shit.
No, I only profess to be more enlightened than some dumbfuck ex-grunt with a permanent tinfoil hat on his head.

Current European militiaries have been involved in both humanitarian and combat excercises on a regular basis for decades post-WW2.

You seem to forget that German, French and British military forces were on a constant state of preparedness and were highly trained during the Cold War. Post Cold-War, they were involved in operations both in the Gulf, Africa and have been involved in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, since you're incredibly ignorant and/or stupid, I don't expect you to even consider any of that.

Since you take issue with homosexuals in the military, the IDF has been accepting and even very open about its endorsement of both heterosexual and homosexual recruits in it's ranks. If you somehow think the IDF is somehow suffering from professionalism and lacking the capability to carry out its duties because some queers are in it's ranks, you're even dumber than you present yourself to be.

Pretty good retort... for a dick.

EDIT @Valerie: It's in the news now. The Bahrain massacre is starting to rival the Japan disaster on CNN, for example.
No, I only profess to be more enlightened than some dumbfuck ex-grunt with a permanent tinfoil hat on his head.


Current European militiaries have been involved in both humanitarian and combat excercises on a regular basis for decades post-WW2.

You seem to forget that German, French and British military forces were on a constant state of preparedness and were highly trained during the Cold War. Post Cold-War, they were involved in operations both in the Gulf, Africa and have been involved in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, since you're incredibly ignorant and/or stupid, I don't expect you to even consider any of that.

#1. The Cold War has been over long enough that even privates and lieutenant's that joined at the very end and stayed in 20+ are mostly retired. Hardly a reference to prove readiness.

#2.A few thousand here and there (little bit more from the British and Germans obviously) in the GWOT hardly covers experience for the million plus combined armies of Europe, besides the fact that the European forces have been mostly criticized for inability to achieve their objectives or even hold their ground in Iraq/Afghanistan.

Since you take issue with homosexuals in the military, the IDF has been accepting and even very open about its endorsement of both heterosexual and homosexual recruits in it's ranks. If you somehow think the IDF is somehow suffering from professionalism and lacking the capability to carry out its duties because some queers are in it's ranks, you're even dumber than you present yourself to be.

The IDF has benefitted for years from getting topnotch military training/aid/weapons from the US, but that hasn't seemed to make much of a difference this past decade. They can't even handle their own neighbors in skirmishes anymore.