Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I'm pretty positive that time has already proved this issue wrong since many militaries around the world have openly gay members and the quality of their ranks has not decreased.
But they're not Americans, you boar. We are a unique peoples kissed by the golden rays of heaven. Homosex offends our divine sensibilities and makes us uncomfortable when fondling distinctly phallic objects such as guns.

And damnit, Patrick, you're making me fall for you.
Well I could give you more anecdotal evidence but you don't believe eyes on. European armies haven't been notabley engaged since WWII, so I can hardly pull on recent fighting performance.

If nothing else, sheer lack of experience is obvious. NATO also gets most of its equipment and training from the US, albeit delayed, and we don't share everything, so there is your undertrained and under powered.
Dakryn just Alex Jones tinfoli batshit conservative guy. Why we still listen is just means that your nuts.

Alex Jones is useful for one thing: small bits of information within all of his theories. His problem is he over-dramatizes everything and tries to make his documentaries "Hollywood-ish". I would get on infowars every once in a while but I don't want to have to fish through bullshit to find a couple of bits of information. Russia Today is much better at digging up trash against the US. Without feeding me a theory that is.
Internet and news sensation here atm, a fat kid that got bullied all his life finally cracked while his tormentor's mates were filming the whole thing with the intention of putting it up on youtube so that the whole world could laugh at a fat kid getting bullied. Youtube have taken it down but vimeo has it up:


Kid lays the smackdown so hard he broke the fucker's ankle apparently. :kickass: