Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

zabu of nΩd;9949875 said:
So are you going to have any access to communication with the civilized world during this enterprise of yours, or are you actually going 'off-grid'?

I expect to be able to have varyingly limited but available contact. It has been my experience, that most Americans see the rest of the world (Western Europe excluded) as some sort of "THAR BE DRAGONS" situation. As I stated before, my main concern in looking to leave the US was to not go somewhere US/Nato was activily trying to ruin, or likely to in the near future.
zabu of nΩd;9949457 said:
um, what? flash mob =/= riot.

Rapidly increasing incidents of random violence = civil unrest, which is similar to rioting.

And sorry DM, but Arizona is aesthetically better than Texas. Utah is actually more scenic than either place, but it is the last state I would ever live in.
I've driven through Texas quite a bit. Very meh. I don't see what the big deal is. The lower speed limit at night on the interstate is lol-worthy.

Big Bend is a small chunk of the state, that happens to look like Arizona/Utah. Hardly a defense for Texas.
I'm pretty happy with all the east coast has to offer. Lots of mountains, lots of big cities, historical stuff, and a great climate in the south. Probably wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the US unless it were a temporary move for the sake of variety.