Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

This kind of explains why Iran might want a nuclear weapon, and this doesn't even cover the fact that Israel has nukes. All stars are US bases:


Kind of puts it into perspective.
Since they hate freedom so much, shouldn't we show them what it's like?

If you read the news of the Arab Spring, countries have parties that are reasonably popular that are FOR freedom of speech, and some even for women's rights. Some Arab countries want democracy and some don't. It's not our place to give it to them.

All of this anti-Islamic propaganda in the USA is pretty far from the truth. The Koran is a whole lot more moderate than the Bible from what I've read.
If you read the news of the Arab Spring, countries have parties that are reasonably popular that are FOR freedom of speech, and some even for women's rights.

Not true. The liberal crowds that were the main motor behind the protests and activism in such countries as Egypt were proven to be rather marginal, come election time. The true puppeteers of the so-called Arab Spring are parties like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist movement who are sweeping the elections through their populist and fanatical rhetoric. Salafists are extremely intolerant and batshit crazy, and are already butchering what's left of religious minorities in that region.

All of this anti-Islamic propaganda in the USA is pretty far from the truth. The Koran is a whole lot more moderate than the Bible from what I've read.

Feeling sorry for extremist Muslims, because they're brown and you've been indoctrinated to feel sorry for brown people, and assume they're disadvantaged position in the world must be due to a historical injustice is a fatal mistake.
Not true. The liberal crowds that were the main motor behind the protests and activism in such countries as Egypt were proven to be rather marginal, come election time. The true puppeteers of the so-called Arab Spring are parties like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist movement who are sweeping the elections through their populist and fanatical rhetoric. Salafists are extremely intolerant and batshit crazy, and are already butchering what's left of religious minorities in that region.

That makes sense. I read articles that said the Muslim brotherhood were gaining a lot of support, but I also saw that the liberal parties are more popular amongst women, so I guessed that they were reasonably popular overall. I've never been to the Middle East, and don't know many Middle Eastern people, so my opinion is not that well-informed.

The Bible is pretty fucking brutal based on what I've read in comparison with what I've read of the Koran. I never said the Bible is less moderate than the Koran.

Feeling sorry for extremist Muslims, because they're brown and you've been indoctrinated to feel sorry for brown people, and assume they're disadvantaged position in the world must be due to a historical injustice is a fatal mistake.

If that was directed at me, I don't feel sorry for extremist "Muslims" one bit. I don't take their side on anything. Based on readings and analyses of the Koran and the Bible, I've found less "kill these people" stuff in the Koran than the Bible. I'm all for getting rid of theistic religion, too.
They're pretty much about the same thing, but there are some differences. I've found the Koran to be more consistent than the Bible, probably due to the amount of time in which it was put together compared to the Bible.

But a lot of the Koran is Bible stories with some variations.